5 years ago
Well that was a pointless if peaceful day at work. 3 patrons in 5 hours of being open all within a 10-minute period. Got other stuff done at least. Now if the internet here would just be anything other than a snails crawl I'd be happy.
latest #18
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Good to see you! I am working on an OOC rant to my DW. Prepare to be thanked. ;-)
5 years ago
Ooh I feel honoured indeed! 😁
FannyFae says
5 years ago
I just uploaded it! Hopefully only friends will see it!
5 years ago
Aww thank you for the thanks 😊 and I'm sure I'll have a comment to add tomorrow.
5 years ago
I'm going to try to write something tonight, I'm just not sure what because my muse is pretty much injured and out of things! Heheh
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Melek feels really bad about that..as does Sheldon. :-(
5 years ago
Actually I think it's the most exciting thing to happen to her in a year, barring that night with Melek - heh. shhh, we won't mention the wings I promise. So character development for the win!!
5 years ago
jayesmuses I haven't really watched much of Lucifer yet, but am I misremembering that he might be telepathic? Or have the ability to be telepathic?
5 years ago
Bifrostdefender: BifrostdefenderTheres defo some telepathic ability...in that he can draw a person into revealing their deepest desire. I do think that especially with someone who has abilities beyond the average human/mortal that there is some more developed telepathy etc.
5 years ago
does this mean I'm going to have to figure out what her deepest darkest desire is? Can I just say waffles and be done with it?
5 years ago
LOL! in the state shes in he wont trouble her with that. And he does actually ask a person before drawing it from them. But you always could...he'd love to hear it! 😉
5 years ago
now you have me pondering because now I'm trying to figure out what her deepest darkest desire would be. And it's going to sound weird, but I think having her lovers around and being able to have their children; one big safe, happy, healthy poly family.
5 years ago
let's face it, she's had a crush on the Giovanni since she was little and pretty much everybody knows it. That's not a secret except that it is. she doesn't want to rule any place... hmm this calls for some serious thought.
5 years ago
That is a perfectly reasonable deepest desire!! Indent know about you but I love it when the muse has to consider something that is a totally new idea 😀
5 years ago
I don't *
5 years ago
it is fun! What would be really amusing is when L sees Melek's face among them.
5 years ago
Luci will be very amused too! Though he will only read however much you want him too...I don't want him to see everything, that's no fun ::g::
5 years ago
And he's not like the Azzhole who thinks he knows everything!!
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