5 years ago
bifrostbbsitter ashtoreth at fannyfae's instigation last night I've brought Luci into ya'll's thread. Consider him fashionably late. 😀
latest #36
5 years ago
FannyFae says
5 years ago
wiping tears of laughter re Luci's coments about Melek OMG! That's perfect!
5 years ago
hehehe...well he had to say something 😁
5 years ago
Omg that is hilarious. Isabella might launch into fast and furious Venetian and snark about woman having to do the hard work all the time, lol.
5 years ago
Lol! And he'll deserve every syllable of that! He's also used to women telling him off...so it won't be any surprise. ::g::
5 years ago
jayesmuses: oh sweet. Her patience is close to done at the moment, her fuse is slightly longer than Gino’s. Is he, perhaps, wearing Armani?
5 years ago
I believe he wears either Armani or Burberry (per the show) 😀
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Now, that is going to be quite interesting. Meanwhile, his brother, Melek probably wants to have a chat as well...after he switches back into his "angelic" form. ;-)
5 years ago
ahhh Luci, so in demand! Lol. Isabella can take as much if her frustration and/or anger out on him. and FannyFae he would love a catch up with Melek!
5 years ago
Oh this is so great!! And I dont know if Mara has ever met Lucifer!! She has met Azzi though.
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Isabella has blown her gasket -- and revealed what a fabric snob she truly is.
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Ashtoreth_Eldritch - yes well, she IS Italian after all! ;-) Fabric snobs are fully appreciated by your fellow writers, trust me on this! g
FannyFae says
5 years ago
I am loving the reps, btw! Too wondeful!
5 years ago
Poor Luci...I guess that's what happens when you live in LA...no appreciation for real tailorship. ::g:: Loves her reply and Ginos quip!!
5 years ago
Bifrostdefender: No they have met. he's much MUCH nicer than. the Azzhole. 😁
5 years ago
haven't *
5 years ago
😊. It was a busy night. She’s a bit testy now.
FannyFae says
5 years ago
I definitely think Lucci will give his younger brother, Melek Taus, a run for his money in the charm department! ;-)
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Melek is grumbling something about how Amenadeil and Lucci used to tease him about having the middle name of "Property Damage".
5 years ago
FannyFae: Oh yes he will...and Loling at the nickname Lci says he'll have to.remind him about that.
5 years ago
FannyFae: 😂
5 years ago
Ashtoreth_Eldritch: I think she can be excused for being less than happy to.see the latecomer
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Hopefully Lucci can work some magic to get some of that mess cleaned up. You never know. ;-)
5 years ago
FannyFae: Luci: Domestic help is that what I'm reduced to now?
FannyFae says
5 years ago
falls out of chair laughing OMG...
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Melek: I can clean up my own messes...mostly. Not sure about the chatskis that the old lady had...
5 years ago
Luci does make cleaning look very nice though. https://images.plurk.com/3AXv7eO0hKodHGNyU0K4M9.jpg
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
He does. I could get enthusiastic about cleaning if I saw that each time.
5 years ago
5 years ago
I am going to have my muse reply something to someone or anyone or maybe everyone tonight when I get to work. I am very very tired right now however, and need my nap so that I can work tonight. also, you guys rock! It's such an awesome thread, thank you all!!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
Hey, we are all there to have fun - which IMO all of us need! You do what you need to do in order to take care of yourself! The threads can wait.
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Bifrostdefender: ::Hugs:: It is a great, fun thread. And, take your time. Health first, yeah! Gino can stew, Izzy can be a snot, and the heaven folk can do whatever it is those crazy kids do on this mortal plane. ;-)
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Also, I think I got all my typos. Tired eyes today, but, no more reading upside down for 5 whole days!
FannyFae says
5 years ago
You need to take care of yourself, too, Ashtoreth!
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
FannyFae: Oh, I plan on it! Promise. The only big thing I'm doing this week is driving up to my brother's house on Thursday for the holiday. After that, I will be getting my game on to make it in school until winter break. December and May are the craziest months, doubly so in middle school.
5 years ago
I am sorry, I have Vicodin on board right now and I can't really seem to write sentences well. will try tomorrow
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