5 years ago
Back home now. Faeriecon was fun, although having $$ would have made it a lot funner! Hoping next year to talk hubs into staying longer and going to the masquerade ball. I'll post photos on my DW. :-) Also, Bohemian Rhapsody is awesome!!
latest #8
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Good to know! The kids and I want to go see it over the Thnaksgiving break.
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
Glad you had a good time! :-)
5 years ago
Looking forward to seeing BH myself, hopefully next week when I get paid. And so glad you had fun at Faeriecon!!!
5 years ago
And yes, doooo the masquerade ball!
5 years ago
Ashtoreth_Eldritch: Bifrostdefender: I've been a Queen fan since I was little...and this did not disappoint in terms of story, acting, and music. Btw, the actors playing May and Deacon look exactly like them!
5 years ago
Oh, I intend to do the ball It helps that they normally have a couple of bands that the hubs like, so talking him into going shouldn't be too difficcult :-)
5 years ago
Ashtoreth says
5 years ago
jayesmuses: Sweet! Another reason to look forward to Thanksgiving break. :-)
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