Wavie Haller
6 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/73Mpm1rwyiAuPvtfzpQDCs.jpg This makes me kinda sad. I loved this place when Tegan and I drove through. its so sad to see small little America towns just slowly being lost to time. That being said I want to buy them all
latest #16
Gogo ♔ says
6 years ago
you should buy main st at least, every town in america has one :-D
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
gogolita: if I can I will, it was such a cool place
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
Persey: Ty for your support
One Armed Star
6 years ago
Buy them all!! I blame Walmart for the decline of small town America.
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
starfiresilverstar: yeah you might be right, it's so sad. I grew up loving small town America. there's something so cool about it
One Armed Star
6 years ago
After leaving NY I lived in a small town in AZ and I loved it. Then Walmart came and I was excited because....well, cheap stuffs (yeah) but shortly after all the small businesses shut down and parts became a ghost town. Very sad
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
that sucks :-(
One Armed Star
6 years ago
There was a great documentary done many years ago about how Walmart has changed from Sam Walton’s original dream to the current monopoly it’s become. I found it quite interesting and since then I’ve stopped shopping there.
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
that sounds interesting, wasn't it always American made at first? now it's China everything
One Armed Star
6 years ago
When Sam started it he ensured that everything was American made and so it created jobs in America and lowered prices for the average person. However that is no longer the case. It’s hard to find anything there that’s made in America any longer.
One Armed Star
6 years ago
There slogan was America first or something like that. I forget. Plus he ensured good salaries and livable wages for his employees so they all could enjoy the American dream. Shame his kids and heirs feel otherwise.
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
that's sad
One Armed Star
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
That link should work. It’s the video I saw.
Wavie Haller
6 years ago
Ty <3 I'll watch it tonight
One Armed Star
6 years ago
Better link there.
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