❤ atooly.
6 years ago
Designers: How many new releases do you make monthly? Do you set a goal for new releases each month? Do you just do events or are you doing mainstore releases too?
latest #17
❤ atooly.
6 years ago
just trying to get ideas because i'm trying to make a realistic goal for myself
6 years ago
I've only been doing events (I'm only in The Saturday Sale) but that's the only time I get sales to be honest. But I'm pretty unknown.
6 years ago
only events.. and lazy at that.. LOL
6 years ago
I do 3 events solid and maybe pick up extras. every weekend my mainstore gets love and attention. happy balance
6 years ago
one at most, but with a fulltime rl job and busy life it's all i can manage atm
6 years ago
How about you try to release on mainstore once every two weeks?
Izzie Bizzie
6 years ago
i do about 4 new releases monthly, i would say that's my average. at least 1 of them is a mainstore release
6 years ago
miirandaroo sounds great!
Allegory says
6 years ago
depends on the month, and the scale of the intended releases- i generally have 2 events a month regularly, and then i may pick up a couple more, or i may not. i don't set a goal for number of releases a month, i mostly do what sounds "fun' for me.
Allegory says
6 years ago
more than trying to set a goal based on other people's activity, i'd try to figure out what sort of output YOU feel comfortable with. different types of things take different amounts of time, so the type of thing you're doing, and how you particularly do it, makes a huge difference in how much you can juggle
Gwen Ghostly
6 years ago
3 events a month, sometimes more than one release per event, plus I aim for at least one mainstore/Saturday Sale release a month. So 4+, one a week.
6 years ago
At the moment 4 events a month, each of those is 2 items and there's 2 of us working on them.
6 years ago
I do about 2, 3 events a year, the rest is mainstore releases. My projects tend to get big, like furnished houses and large engines and I sometimes don’t release at all for 2 months or more. That does give me a dip in visitors and sales, so I try to release decor and such in the mean time.
6 years ago
I like mainstore/MP at the same time. The sales on the MP give my listings a nice start in the rankings there
6 years ago
It pays of for me to release collections, like a whole room. People buy a bed, then the matching furniture and decor too.
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