6 years ago
Update on Amy’s Dad, Paul: Due to Paul feeling better, he has been able to use a walker instead of the wheelchair, able to attend church that he hasn't been able to go to since November, and, because of the use of the walker, he (myself, as well) has been able to go down to the lake and sit on the bench that he has so been wanting to do.
latest #9
6 years ago
For those of you who don't know, the bench was given to us three years ago from our neighbors in honor of our daughter, Amy, who passed away on May 21, 2015. We have seen 4 good outcomes that have happened to Paul over the last few months that we wanted to share: #1 Due to restricted mobility a few months ago, Paul
6 years ago
developed a blood clot and we all know the danger that can cause. Doctors were able to immediately give medication to dissolve the clot. #2 He was told when he first entered the hospital that his kidneys were beginning to shut down due to the tumors pressing against the nerves on his spine. After the radiation treatments, the kidneys began to function
6 years ago
on their own. #3 Due to a severe eye infection that he got a few weeks ago, the doctors were very concerned of prolonged pressure on his eye and the damage it could cause. There is no trace of any damage to his eye. It has healed completely. #4 While visiting with a spinal surgeon, the doctor was pointing out the different cancer lesions on his spine
6 years ago
and he asked Paul how he was doing with the functions of his body. Paul exclaimed that he was walking well with the walker and only needed it for minor support. The surgeon immediately looked up from the x-ray and stated, "Really?", giving the impression that Paul should be far worse off than he is. Paul and I see the hand of God's goodness and healing.
6 years ago
Thank you .for your continued prayers/good thoughts for him and his battle with the cancer.
6 years ago
Note: update written by Amy’s mom :-)
6 years ago
6 years ago
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