6 years ago
Up date on Paul: Paul saw an orthopedic surgeon last Monday and was told that he doesn't need surgery on his femur (cancer lesions are present on the bone). Good news! And the doctor stated that Paul could start walking with help from crutches or walker. He will call the PT back for a visit. He had a bone scan on Tuesday. We haven't been told the...
6 years ago
results. Last weekend Paul had a small cold that apparently went into one eye. It became infected, swollen, and closed. Due to the cancer, his immune system is compromised. His body can't fight the infection by itself. His PCP put him on a strong medication. It only worked a little. His oncologist asked for him to come in to see the eye (Wednesday).
6 years ago
She immediately admitted him to the ER and then he was admitted to the hospital, where he resides now. He is on much stronger antibiotics through an iv. Many doctors have come to see him to check on his eye and, so far, the only issue is the infected eye. No surgery is needed. Just waiting for the meds. to work. Please pray for healing....thank you!
6 years ago
P.S. about Alouette. The sim is officially owned by LRRiven now and she’s keeping Amy’s store open!
Tortured Poet
6 years ago
Thank you for the update.