andybeard asks
16 years ago
How many people have tracked (specifically) gaining new business from Plurk?
latest #21
semscholar says
16 years ago
I guess not that many given no responses
btocher thinks
16 years ago
most folk just seem to be here for fun, which is fine.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
it's only been open to everyone for a few weeks. It took me far longer than that to see biz from Twitter.
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
I've grabbed a few new visitors to my blog from stuff I have posted on Plurk, but nothing substantial.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
oh if you are talking about traffic, I have posted links to new posts here and on twitter at same time, get almost as much traffic from here
MackCollier says
16 years ago
which is significant, considering I have 10 X the people following me on Twitter.
James_Delong loves
16 years ago
the concept of plurk but will see how to best use it for business purposes.
16 years ago
ask again in a couple days :-)
AbleReach says
16 years ago
I haven't tried, because that's not what I'd do with social media. Being visibly productive, friendly and available leads to good things.
16 years ago
ablereach that is a good point but 'gaining' new business is a broad concept, in your case more connections socially lead to more business
16 years ago
even if that was not the basic initial intent
AbleReach says
16 years ago
well, sometimes I do like to play with those who seem like they'd like to control the outcome, more than enjoying the process...
AbleReach thinks
16 years ago
most SEO-based marketers can be like that, checking stats for ROI before saying hi back atcha.
biagotti says
16 years ago
It isnt something i have considered yet for our clients no :-))
footinmouth says
16 years ago
I haven't tracked any new business, but the discussions on plurk are much easier to track than on twitter.
goma says
16 years ago
footinmouth i agree. it seems like an evolution from the old forum-y way.
andybeard says
16 years ago
MackCollier are you actually click tracking on Twitter, or just looking at referral traffic?
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