6 years ago
My mom has multiple water dishes set up in the cat feeding area. My cat? Now requires that I have a giant mug of water in my space too, and drinks out of it regularly. If I don't keep it there, he'll try to drink out of whatever cup I'm currently using, regardless of contents.
latest #7
6 years ago
Hey, if you're having it, it's obviously the best water available and must be for the cat
6 years ago
Though there be many like it, this water is His.
6 years ago
Evie let him outside (supervised) a little while ago, so now he's remembered the back yard exists & he likes it there. He keeps singing his sad warble song and pawing at the sliding glass door.
6 years ago
This is Michael right now, except that when we offer him supervised outings he goes charging out... and remembers it's cold and wants in right away again
6 years ago
I would be fine with letting him in & out more frequently, but the aforementioned door is a giant awkward pain in the ass that defies all efforts at improvement.
6 years ago
He definitely did the NOPE NOPE I AM FULL OF REGRET spring-loaded retreats off the deck in MA, though.
6 years ago
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