Hi there. It's been a while.
latest #16
It has been. How are you doing?
Hey, how have you been?
Meh. About six months ago, Other Half had a severe accident and I've been stressed dealing with the fallout. Thankfully, there's no paralysis, but damn.
damn, I'm so sorry. I hope they make a full recovery.
Oh no! I'm glad for the no paralysis, at least.
Sirius says hi and hopes things go better for you both. [And same from me]
Aw thanks. I'm gonna be in fantasy faire again. First real second lifing I"ll be doing since September.
Sorry to hear that. Glad to see you!
My goodness. Best wishes to your Other Half.
Good to see ya again, but oh crap that is aweful
Sred my friend, sorry about your other half, hope she's ok and recovering well
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
HI Sred! oh wow! sorry to hear about your other half! how is she doing?
Welcome back, good to see you.
welcome back. Hope things are settling down
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