ʚNara says
6 years ago
I like looking through my flickr and seeing all my old SL photos. I miss doing them~!
latest #13
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
ʚNara says
6 years ago
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
ok done being excited for hugs
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
also you need a computer then we can log on and take pictures
ʚNara says
6 years ago
see you sooooon AGAINNNN
ʚNara says
6 years ago
I knoooow. I'm looking at pcs LIKE RN
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
if you need help papa is on steam. he finds good deals
6 years ago
I miss being manipulated for pics as I stood on that fancy pose stand. hahaha
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
DjinniGenie: right? it was the best
ʚNara says
6 years ago
6 years ago
And Mama going, "Use the eye thing on your HUD!" because I was camming who knows where and my eyes were all over the place. heehee
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