your ghost host
7 years ago
Guess who has internet again! It only took three phone calls, two tech visits, and $30 for a new wireless dongle when nothing got the actual cable to work right.
latest #28
your ghost host
7 years ago
Now I'll be cycling through catch-up, delayed items, and the RL tdl for the rest of the night
vitamin cee
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
your ghost host
7 years ago
ceedawkes: ngl ilu for pouncing on this plurk after I blew up your inbox with emails while I was disconnected. i hope you don't mind more emails yet
your ghost host
7 years ago
Rain_Demi: EYYY
your ghost host
7 years ago
Autistic_Ace: Bless you for your patience. Also how are you feeling and I swear I'm going to find something nice to do for you after flaking like a stale toaster strudel]
7 years ago
Missed you so much...!
7 years ago
Feeling better tonight than I was this weekend, that's for sure!
7 years ago
Still, I've got three exams next week (three-day sequence!), so that might dampen tags before Spring Break.
7 years ago
Might have a cold, but it should be waning.
your ghost host
7 years ago
Rain_Demi: I've missed you too! I don't want to say I'm gonna be around more cause that'll jinx it, but the Valentine's crunch is done! What's new, what's good, what's exciting?
your ghost host
7 years ago
Autistic_Ace: It's late, but please accept these doodles.
7 years ago
Helping start up a creative server with roleplay, writing, and art sharing. Otherwise, just working.
7 years ago
How about yourself??? Valentine’s crunch sounds intense
your ghost host
7 years ago
Just candy, candy, candy, and housework as per usual. We're having guests next weekend for my brother's birthday and I've been tasked with my first 100% from scratch carrot cake.
7 years ago
Aa-aww! I love it!
7 years ago
Also =O Carrot cake!
7 years ago
That's my mom's favorite.
7 years ago
Also, I may have a Wake-related thing to pitch you... have you gotten to look any at the Young Wizards books?
7 years ago
(Either in print or the ebooks works for this.)
your ghost host
7 years ago
Sadly, no. Also if this turns out to be a good recipe I will definitely give it to you
7 years ago
o7 Thanks!
7 years ago
We just hosted a birthday bash Saturday for several relatives so I get it.
7 years ago
But the scratch carrot cake sounds amazing! I bet you’ll nail it
Batty New Year
7 years ago
got those chocolates, finally. /hug thank you.
your ghost host
7 years ago
m_logan_2k2: Oh, good! I hope they brightened your day a bit. (cozy)
your ghost host
7 years ago
Rain_Demi: Thank you!
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