GrannyMagnolia says
6 years ago
Apparently people do not want to hire old lookin gals like me in SL, i was told i would get the job if i made myself look "not so old". :'-(
latest #7
6 years ago
A job doing what?
GrannyMagnolia says
6 years ago
She just needed a host for some new jazz place she wants to open. not sure what else to apply for to be honest.
6 years ago
Wait, you'd think older, more elegant types would be perfect for that sort of job [or, well, any other job, but I digress]
GrannyMagnolia says
6 years ago
From what i understood i wasn't "sexy" enough for them..
6 years ago
6 years ago
If I actually had a more active club, and some way to pay, I'd hire you. I just want people who are fun, not into agism [then again, by 50, you stop giving a fuck]
GrannyMagnolia says
6 years ago
Faerycat: awww it's okay thanks for saying that. Need to figure out what type of work i want to do inworld. LOL yeh i don't give a crap either really, wont change just because people say i look too old.
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