Tutti Anatine says
6 years ago
Which furniture stores provide items which work well on low LODs and still look great? I know some, like to know more.
latest #15
6 years ago
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
I was shown the light (or ruined) after learning that high LOD settings are not OK. This also invalidated a lot of my objects inventory for me. I'm blaming this on AurynBeorn and her excellent article about the subject: Black Tulip Virtual - Documentation
6 years ago
Anyway! To enable you. I find Sway's is awesome for this. Bauwerk too. And I haven't been to Culprit lately but they're always good for it :-D
6 years ago
Yesss. I appreciate creators who take the extra time to do LODs. But I can't begrudge them to not either because time etc etc etc.
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
ZeeZuleicca I'm innocent! whelp
6 years ago
Oh, and Organica for properly lodded plants. BEST. Cube Republic too.
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
Yay, I needed the plant tip. I put my LOD settings down and part of my house interior looks horrible now, especially the plants.
6 years ago
6 years ago
Botanical is decent for plants too, iirc - I have my lod at 3, but mostly because apparently that's what firestorm defaults to for ultra.
6 years ago
It’s a difficult balance. People want detailed items, with next to no LI, and high LOD? One of those things can’t live with the others. Once people start to have realistic expectations of what they can have then things will change.
6 years ago
So if you want low LI and high LOD - you have to compromise on detail. It’s just how it is.
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
anywhereexcepthere Yes I get that. Which is why I now try objects on low LODs before buying to see whether I still like them then.
Auryn Beorn
6 years ago
You just sorted inventory, you're a glutton for punishment (LOL)
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
AurynBeorn That's what ZeeZuleicca said too x'D
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