6 years ago

I’ve at least attempted to watch the State of the Union addresses since the 90′s. Sometimes I’d fall asleep or forget, but I’ve watched my fair share. Clinton was boring and verbose, Bush knew how to keep it short… at least in the early years. His got longer over time.
6 years ago
Obama always had an eloquence about him, though I made more effort in the later years to count how many times Boehner smirked.

I don’t think I have it in me to watch the moldy orange. I can barely stand the clips of it on the news.
6 years ago
News is reporting that it’s gonna to try and reach out. But does anybody actually expect that to happen? I don’t.

It feels weird to have to decide, cause it has been something I’ve done for so long, but I don’t know if I could actually stand listening to that narcissistic piece of trash long enough for such an important speech.
6 years ago
I hate his voice... I haven't watched anything involving him cause I just cannot stand him. I read transcripts of it instead lol
6 years ago
I don't know if I could even stand a transcript. His arrogance and evil doesn't go away as easily as that horrible noise that comes out of his mouth