Astralia ♥
6 years ago
This is my last FB status. Especially if you are a designer (sadly) you may be interested in reading it. I feel very sad
latest #251
6 years ago
This is the way SL is going it seems. Many customers complain if they do not have mod rights for things so they can use them in rezzers now, and many estate companies have prebuilt rezzers with tons of peoples stuff in it, so consumers never need buy their own. I don't think much to be done about it really.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Dysfunctionality: Yes, there isn't much I can do you are right. Better to stick to clothes and rigged stuff.
6 years ago
Ultimately, you should do simply what makes you happy. It is the same story with copybotters - acknowledging them and giving up, ultimately it means they are the ones who win. I will keep to doing what I like, despite knowing my sales are diminished through these systems, and knowing that it makes me feel unappreciated, but I suspect most are not 'malicious'
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Dysfunctionality: The point is that I'm lucky enough that I can choose what to make, because I'm learning multiple things. Sl is my only job and I'm alone with that money, so I have no choice than trying to make my efforts worth.
RoseBun Foofoo
6 years ago
6 years ago
I cannot rig to save my life, but I am otherwise in a similar boat with being dependent on SL income, so I sympethise. Don't let people get you down though, do what makes you happy, it's the only way to stave off burn out and resentment.
6 years ago
Wait a minute. I disagree. Now I may understand how you feel creator-wise, but are you saying that if I buy something from a creator and want to do something for my community, that I shouldn't share in a legal manner?
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
ZeeZuleicca: They can in the legal way you are mentioning and infact I didn't wrote to them. But this is how i feel.
6 years ago
To have people be able to rezz backdrops, they will need land. Some folks don't have the money for land AND gacha, but they will have the money to buy clothes. It is not a lose-lose situation. People know how to find the creators of an item and they'd probably be more likely to check what else the creators have in store.
6 years ago
I disagree as well. I don't find this against any ethics or anything wrong with it. A lot of my items are on rental sims as part of a pre-built package. You are of course allowed to feel as you do, but I (as a fellow creator) feel it is totally acceptable.
6 years ago
If this is the sentiment that is prevalent, then sex sims who uses Dutchie and any other sex furniture would be 'greedy', because those who go there don't have to buy it themselves. The cornerstone of SL is community building
that is very sad - I will admit this: the owners of the place I think you're talking about approached me the other day and asked me if I would consider featuring them in one of my videos. They seemed like very nice people who genuinely thought they were doing something kind for the community. I'm so sorry you feel hurt by it
6 years ago
Who knows? It could be advertisement. They look at who made it and are, this is great. I am going to their store to see what else they have. It could lead to a few sales. If you want to turn a negative into a positive, maybe ask them to put a TP to your store.
6 years ago
Land rental places that have Trompe Loeil houses and Apple Fall furniture in them would also be wrong in this context. And they make money off land. So would they be triple greedy?
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
The point is that decor items are not backdrops, they are not disposable. And to have those rented places you have to pay. In the past I knew about people who rented the backdrops, and it's like reselling, I'm totally fine with it. But putting it for free when the event is still running is not the same. If you want an house you purchase it anywyay
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
because you have your land and you want it decorated that way. You don't go to live in a landscaped sim..
6 years ago
a lot of people do
6 years ago
Most people that I've ever known in SL live in pre-designed homes with furniture set out and everything done. It's always been that way. Not everyone has thousands of L to drop on land rental
6 years ago
I have zero problems with it. I don't think everyone that uses my things must purchase them directly.
6 years ago
If you don't want them to be able to rez multiple copies sell things no copy.
6 years ago
6 years ago
Yes, people do live in landscapped sim. And by this context, the landlord/landlady do nothing but rezz houses, furniture and botanical items. And then charge other people money to live there, and those who live there may never need to ever buy anything direct from the creator.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
I sold no copy.. that's the point ahah
6 years ago
Then it can't be put in a rezzer?
6 years ago
Copy or no copy, whatever the perms, they're not doing it illegally. They are sharing with their community. Anyone who uses that backdrop wouldn't have bought from you anyway, either because they can't afford to or they don't play gacha etc.
6 years ago
Do you mean just something rezzed out for general use?
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Look I didn't say it is illegally. I'm not accusing anyone. I'm sharing my feelings. Rezzing for free and to everyone an item that is useless after used once, it means to kill the sales to a designer
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
i understand if you at least get paid or wait for the event to end, but new releases...
6 years ago
Hmmm, if the people are thinking they are doing good, maybe ask them if they would consider putting a TP to your store or not putting it out until an event is over. It doesn't sound like they intended any creator to get upset and could go to great lengths to make sure what they are doing is okay with you.
6 years ago
I am so confused
6 years ago
So... someone legally bought your item, rezzed it for use at a sim, and now you're angry because it's a new item that people can use without paying for it?
6 years ago
"An item that is useless after used once"...well, that's the point. I'm not saying that your item is useless, I'm saying even you feel that it is a one-time use. And maybe those who will be using that person's service feel the same way and don't want to play the gacha.
6 years ago
I spoke with the owner of this place today, they're not making any profit, they're allowing people who may not be able to afford the backdrop or gacha use the item.
6 years ago
No one said anything about them making profit, Sam
6 years ago
They just seem to want to share what they have purchased with the blogging/photography community
6 years ago
I am selfish; I like your backdrops! Soooo I may be biased. lol
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
It's not even my backgrounds only the problem guys, I just don't feel it's fair to share new releases for free prior the end of the event, that's it. Because being a one-time use item, it looses its value. BUT I DO UNDERSTAND it is legal, so I'm not going to complain to them.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
It's not like other decors, it's a backdrop. NO ONE need to actually purchase it if it's rezzed and with the rezz open..etc Houses and other stuff yes, because many people have a sim. (And i make decors too, some are used in landscaping sims and I love that, I just feel they are different situations)
6 years ago
To preface, a lot of SL things are one-time use. Anyway, it was the creator's choice to knowingly create an item that has an ONLY one-time value and then to capitalise on this one-time value. That's ok though because we already have their money, what do we care what other value the customer gets. When said with this perspective, how does that sound?
6 years ago
She explained like 3 times already the difference between a decor item and a backdrop, the different use of the 2 categories and why she feels sad about this situation
6 years ago
Ultimately she feels how she feels I don't see why you all need to change the way she feels only so it fits the way you all would feel in the same situation
If they are intended for one time uses, then would it just be a waste of money to buy a backdrop for it to remain in your inventory after just one picture?
6 years ago
I can only speak for myself and not the other commentors. I don't bother to change the way she feels. But I sensed an attempt to demonize a community-building activity and I will not stand for that. Would you prefer only those who agrees replying?
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
KaririTaisho: so how many times a backdrop is used in your opinion?
6 years ago
In another example, I will rez something from my inventory on another's land so they can use it without having to go buy it. It's just sitting in my inventory, doing nothing. Why not? I'd do the same thing in RL. Why go buy new when I can lend you my weed wacker? There is no "pure act of malice". Just people helping people.
6 years ago
"Designers' work is ethically and physically abused". Taken from the post. I disagree and I will say so. Maybe as creators, we all need to think about how we add real value to our customers instead of just running away with their money, and then be offended at perceived lose sales...from something that you acknowledge as 'one-time use'
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
No those people have the rights to use them and I won't ask them to remove them :-) This was just how I felt about it, that's all kittooi:
I know people who edit backdrops for their sim decor, but I also know people share their backdrops all the time with friends, isn't it about the same?
6 years ago
Wow, Zee. Kudos. This last one was spectacular.
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
I appreciate the OP sharing her feelings on the matter. It's not something I've thought about. But along with Zee, and others. I disagree with her point of view. She made her feelings public, and asked us to read her post. She should expect feedback.
6 years ago
i don't.. really understand.. can someone ELI5? The point is that as creators, we're contributing to the community, no? So, when someone uses our items (that they paid for) to build community, i don't understand the issue. They aren't stealing, and you have no way of knowing if those other people would ever buy your (or my) products.
6 years ago
It seems like manufactured crisis, a bit.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: not all my products, the backdrops in general. Because I have been a blogger myself and in my experience they are disposable items, but still worth a pull..
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
I'm the decor side, I have full decor sets out there. And they are used in the sims, but I don't feel it's the same, as i explained in the past 56 answers.. Now I see you don't have the same opinion as I do, that's fine :-) I'm not accusing those people of being thief, I'm not reporting them
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Kiddo is just commenting as anyone else, if i didn't wanted to share opinions i would have written a secret plurk ok?
6 years ago
I guess I'm weird, but I'd be mostly flattered that someone thought my stuff was good enough to share around. Anyway, I'm sorry you're feeling sad about it, even if I don't agree with why, it's emotions, and those things are pitas.
6 years ago
I make furniture. I'd like to think my store is reasonably well known, I've seen my stuff on various sims. "Disposable" items included. If you sell it to a person, that person can do what they like with it within the terms of the TOS. I don't understand why you're upset,
6 years ago
but you have a right to your own feelings. I do however feel you're manufacturing a problem out of nothing.
6 years ago
I have spoken to the girl who made that myself. She is paying for all of it herself, is refusing donations, and put out a sign asking that people credit the creator's in their photos
6 years ago
I honestly think she's just trying to help bloggers
6 years ago
horrorz: Yeah, as a blogger I really appreciated her generosity
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
guys for real, those are feelings, if i wanted to make a war I would have talked with her. You are misunderstunding what I'm saying.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
And probably it's my english idk
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: my logo is not there, unfortunately..
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: i didn't even made a name, if it was backfire i would have mentioned her, don't you think?
6 years ago
This is plurk. lolol
6 years ago
She'll know
6 years ago
Creators live in a bubble. Especially here on plurk, where you throw a stone at any direction and you're bound to hit a creator. If we don't check each other and argue about things sometimes, we'd lose touch. We'd be too much and believe too much in our own hype. (LOL)
6 years ago
So it's all good. Just like rl work meetings. We say our feelings, we battle it out, we slam our hands on the table, we throw files and we walk away. Tomorrow, we still have to see each other at work :-D
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
That's not nice guys, ok sharing opinions but this is bullying. I'm ok with myself and I'll take the shitstorm and whatever. But you should reconsider the way you speak to othe people, because making fun of someone who is hurt by a matter, even if stupid for you, it's not costructive
6 years ago
But not the coffee. We don't throw the coffee.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: yes probably, but this post is not meant to demolite her place, as i said 45 times
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
it's how i feel about that, my items are there and i won't ask to remove them
6 years ago
This is not bullying. If people are saying things you don't want to hear that's something else. Bullying is a sustained campaign of abuse.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
and this is written in the original message as well
6 years ago
I hate the word bullying being thrown about like it means nothing.
6 years ago
Don't use that word. Unless you mean it.
Sick Cheese
6 years ago
^ this
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
anywhereexcepthere: nope, you are laughing of what i think, Monster is being nice with me at least and we are talking, you trolling me multiple times it's not the same
6 years ago
I haven't trolled you at all
6 years ago
I've told you I believe you are being unreasonable
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
"this plurk lol lol what is?
6 years ago
Plurk is a place where nothing is secret
6 years ago
Yeah I don't appreciate the word bullying being used so freely just because people disagree , however I honestly suggest you visit the place yourself and chat with her, she's honestly very sweet and means well
6 years ago
Surely you've been around long enough to realise this
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
i answered you politely i think
6 years ago
Astra, she said "this IS Plurk, she'll know"
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
you know why i wrote about this with my name anywhereexcepthere ? Because with a secret plurk it would have been backfire
6 years ago
Oh, it might be a langauge barrier? I don't think she meant "this plurk" as in your plurk specifically. It's more like "this is plurk, this happens sometimes"
6 years ago
she was not making fun of you. I would have stepped in the second she had sent the "enter" button if she was, but she wasn't.
6 years ago
Bullying is a strong word. Do not use it unless it is accurate.
6 years ago
Annie is a misunderstanding, she thought you were laughing at her
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
i honestly tought it
6 years ago
I am not bullying you in the slightest. I think you're making a mistake and I think that this will not be seen in a good light, and I was trying to help.
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
The girl who did this is honestly just generous. She once gave me gacha money during a live stream just because she enjoyed watching me play. lol I know she for sure didn't intend on making anyone upset with this.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: I don't get what's the point, that she knows.. it's my opinion and I didn't made names. I can't speak? I would have wrote a secret plurk to make backfire
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
If you asked her to take your sets down, I am 100% sure she would do that.
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
Personally, as a blogger, I like having my own backdrops because I need to be able to mod them and stuff for my pics. But there are people who want to promote and don't have the cash to play for that rare background.
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
I don't think she cares about honest feedback. :/ I tried to help, several others tried to help. It didn't stick. This is going nowhere. There was a huge rant and was quite disparaging but is unable to take anything from what is being said. Clearly this is a non-starter.
6 years ago
So I'll see my way out as there are no valid opinions other than nodding.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
anywhereexcepthere: i was reading again the chat and I'm sorry, i honestly read "this plurk lol" and i tought you were making fun of me, so i hope you ill accept my apologizes for this
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
in general i think what i said, about the whole matter and i wanted feedback, otherwise i wouldn't have written a public post guys
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
i think i answered to everyone without being agrressive, i said my reasons
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
I share all my poses I buy, and I share backdrops, I rez out my back drops and pose stands for anyone who asks me, lol
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
If I own an item and a friend needs it, I rez it out and give them my permissions.
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
I drop furniture and houses for people a lot. Because if I have it and they need it, why wouldn't I share? I don't give it TO them and I'm not ripping it. I'm just sharing.
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
i actually use the fact I share my backdrops, decor and poses to validate my purchases.
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
^ Me too. LOL
6 years ago
So, after reading through this whole thing, I think the main point Astralia was making, was that she wished the owner of this place would wait until AFTER an event is over to put up the backdrops out for folks to use. And I see that as being completely reasonable, and don't know why this has become so heated.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
SkyeGeek: yes..
6 years ago
The conflict seems to be with her backdrops that she's currently selling at an event being put out at this place for anyone to use, thereby possibly hurting her sales, and I completely see her point.
Alicia ✿
6 years ago
Just talk to her. I'm positive she didn't want to upset anyone, she just wanted to do something nice for people.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
it's not even about my backdrops, probably I can't well explain what i think.. it was my own consideration about visting that place, because she rezzed some old ones (I'm not sure how long ago), but I can image how i would have felt if i did a new release and one day after it was there for free..
6 years ago
I hope this won't discourage you from your beautiful creations though. We all get frustrated with each other like in an office, especially when you mix experienced long-time creators offering a different perspective. They've been there, done that. Most times, disagreeing about business is not from a personal standpoint. :-))
6 years ago
SkyeGeek: You seem to be the only one who considered this aspect
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
ZeeZuleicca: I'm not offended zee, i mean for real, if i didn't want to discuss it i would have written a secret plurk
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: You of course are entitled to your opinion, but in this case, I disagree.
6 years ago
Gachas have a shorter lifetime so yes, to me rezzing a backdrop for public use could kill the sale and from the business owner perspective I would be stupid not to worry about that.
6 years ago
I meant in the case of a limited use item like a backdrop, that I disagree.
6 years ago
But no one is arguing about the legal side of the matter!
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
I have to say that the half life of a gacha item is part of the market for doing gacha's over regular releases.
6 years ago
And that I don't think asking this person to wait until an event is over to put it out for free use is unreasonable. That's all.
6 years ago
listen, I am annoyed about those who eat with their mouth open. Is their legal right to do so? yes. would I stick a foot in their mouth? also yes. is the way I feel!
6 years ago
From what other people in this plurk have said, if you asked this person nicely to simply not put your backdrops out until after the event is over, they might respect your wishes out of respect for your feelings. If I'm understanding this correctly?
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
You make more in that short term, and its half life is considerably reduced
6 years ago
Tbh tho it's kinda like a library
6 years ago
Some people might go to the library
6 years ago
Some prefer to buy their own books for their collection
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
I buy my stuff to share, if I didn't, I wouldn't buy what I do
6 years ago
Not saying you should message them to get them shut down. Just a little "Hey, I really appreciate what you're doing here but would it be alright if you waited until after the event is over before rezzing out the new backdrops?"
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
xantheanne: this is just my own consideration about what is going on after i visited this place, it's not about my products. I know it's legal and i respect her decisions. But i think i'm entitled to have an opinion and I prefer to share it without hiding behind a secret plurk and debate
6 years ago
AstraliaCreations: Just my two cents. If I misunderstood the problem then sorry x
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
xantheanne: I didn't make names on purpose, they said she saw it, I didn't even mentioned her gender in the screen i posted.
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
For me, I would be more inclined to spend money on a backdrop after I saw it than I would site unseen from a gacha I don't really see how this would hurt sales, people who want to buy them will buy them. And people who can't afford to or want to see them could use this as a valuable resource.
6 years ago
Frankly I'm really disappointed in this mentality and I find it to be anti-productive. It makes me not want to blog these things because it makes me feel like you can't see past your bottom line to the people.
6 years ago
^ that is exactly what I was trying to say and didn't want to as I'm blunt and I couldn't think of an eloquent way to say it.
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
And this is coming from a blogger and designer who has purchased your items from your machines
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Daeberethwen: It's ok and I respect it, I see your point but unfortunately I feel different about this matter and I can't help it
6 years ago
Well, I think that is a real shame. I hope that having some perspective from other people will help you. Though it does not seem like you will try to , if you attempt to shut down this invaluable resource I will not be able to blog things from you in good conscience.
6 years ago
I appreciate you taking this to an open forum and being open with your opinion even if it is unpopular. And despite the fact that I disagree with it.
6 years ago
Let's try to look at this matter form a different perspective. I understand the way you consider this place as a friendly environment for bloggers. What if a photographer brings 3 people on the sim, uses the backdrops and gets paid for the work?
6 years ago
For one thing, there is no difference between a photography location and a backdrop. This is already something that exists.
6 years ago
Ok, so what if I rez a hair and make a person pose under it so it looks like the person is wearing the hair? I'm trying to understand when we get to the point that is unfair for the creator.
6 years ago
You do not see every bridge maker and tree maker asking for residuals from people to go to photography locations
6 years ago
Once the item is sold it is at the discretion of the purchaser where they put an end to what use they put it
6 years ago
I'm just trying to understand your point of view, tho, all calm and relaxed, so yes I realize lot of things thank you.
6 years ago
But I'm not saying is new...
6 years ago
There is absolutely no reason that items should require residuals in second life. That is like the goblins from Harry Potter
6 years ago
I'm not into Harry Potters
6 years ago
In Harry Potter the goblins believe heirlooms should be repaid to the goblins every time they are passed down. I for instance if you had a necklace that was your grandmothers the goblins would expect you to pay for it again and again and again and again
6 years ago
What I'm trying to say is that I understand why Astralia feels sad about the whole situation, although she is not trying to make the place close or anything. One is allowed to be sensitive when it comes to an items that costed days of work. I know I feel the same with my creations, I might be overprotective, on a certain aspect.
Chingona Sophia
6 years ago
I am not sure if this was mentioned or not but a lot of backgrounds are gacha items. So actually people aren't buying one or two copies. To get an entire set they usually have to pay many, many times. It is the same as giving away your gacha items for free, isn't it?
6 years ago
I think is more like giving one item to multiple person, I guess, Sophia, in this specific case.
6 years ago
multiple people*
Chingona Sophia
6 years ago
I am not downplaying your emotions, they are yours and valid for no other reason than you are feeling them. I just know that my inventory is full of gacha background doubles and I am sure that I still don't have all of them, who knows - maybe it is steering people to your shop?
Chingona Sophia
6 years ago
chroniclesofaya: I never said that it wasn't her choice or did I? Yes, pretty sure I didn't. My point is that it isn't just one sale that each background symbolizes.
6 years ago
Yeah I have tons of duplicates of astralia backdrops alone
Chingona Sophia
6 years ago
This also brings to mind about designers who add multiple body sizes to gachas - a lot of ppl were grabbing their body and passing the others around. It isn't fair to the designer but the consumer has every right to do so. It's a bummer for sure.
6 years ago
If I made a backdrop I would be excited to have it at a resource like this because I know people will know it exists and if they want it for themselves they can go get it right then at the event. The same way events like Uber have areas with builds for the current event
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Guys, I'm going to sleep. Unfortunately the problem are not the money and not even MY products specifically. I didn't manage to express what i feel i guess, because it's not a matter of what she can or cannot do. She is on her full rights to do wht she does and it's not my intention to shut down her activity.
Chingona Sophia
6 years ago
The outcome was most designers do not add all bodies now and if you wear more than one body, bummer - you will have to play the machine for your other size too. The bottom line is if you love doing something, keep doing it and never forget that if there is a possible way to exploit it, it will happen.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
I didn't even mentioned her because this wasn't meant to kill her market. It was about how i felt as person visiting this place. So yeah, I agree with the fact that she can do whatever she wants with the items, that it doesn't matter as monster says because it's my responsability in the moment i sell somenthing. I understand everything, but that's how i feel
6 years ago
I want to throw out a thought here, something to think about. Death Row has giant gacha, like recently Bloodcroft. They have an entire sim, with very thing in the gacha rezzed. You are free to role play on the sim, use the furniture, anything you want. Having it rezzed and interactive did not limit sales, judging by how many people were playing it, and
6 years ago
the number of extras for sale in the marketplace. ... I understand the feeling of frustration you are feeling. I also want to point out people, collectors, fans, will buy anyway even if something is rezzed and fully interactive. So I think it will be ok.
6 years ago
hmm. i have mixed feelings about this. on one hand i think it's a great idea for a community of bloggers. but then on the other hand i can understand astralia being upset that her brand new release is out there for the public to use instead of being bought from her gacha. decor is a completely different topic, you can't compare that to backdrops.
6 years ago
with decor, people will still want to buy it after seeing it rezzed out so they can use it on their own land. but backdrops you just use for pictures, so if you can go somewhere else and take a picture then why buy it yourself.
6 years ago
i don't think it would be unreasonable to ask that new releases not be put up until the event is over. i'd def talk to the sim owner about it and see what she says, because she probably didn't think about that
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
make the backdrops rezzable on wear
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
if you arenot comfortable withthis, which I absolutely undderstand your stance , but again people is free to do so. So you need to find a way to not make this possible, it's up to us as creators to find ways and limits inthe game dynamics to preserve our work. As said I completely agree with you but -
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
- don't expect people to follow your request, if they can do it, they will, so find a way they cannot do that. I've been slammed fo rmaking my furniture no mod, and I hav eplenty of reasons why to which I adere, sure it makes me lost costumers but I gain on product authenticity and fairness. Think of the wearable option like vehicles, so more of a HUD
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
it might allow you to create mor eof your wonderful settingsfor all people to enjoy without the stupid folks that think creating those parcels is ok
Alia Baroque
6 years ago
Wish you good luck and a good creative bubble,! And don't take it too bad or condition your own creative desires and path because of that people, never allow them to influence your art (also I just woke up and am writing like a 1st grader grammar wise)
Autumn Moon
6 years ago
kellybellman you explained it way better than I could have.
6 years ago
This sucks, I had no idea people were being so crappy. I hope you don't give up on creating your wonderful things.
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
I don't believe it should stop you from making backdrops and the owner of the place is geninely nice I am sure she would welcome suggestions. i doubt making you want to stop making backdrops was the intention of the idea to share. I played one of those recent releases and dint get the rare and I rarely play more than 3 on backdrops
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
the point I am trying to make is that release didn't loose anything from me. people do still buy. Also not all bg are disposable after one use most of use use them more than once and some are able to be used in a variety of ways.
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
I can see your point of it but I don't understand the harm I suggesting it to her instead of taking such a stance and depriving people of having the option to own your backdrops when you make such cute ones and I hope none of the other creators decide to follow this decision.
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
If she decides she still wants to put them out it should be up to her but should in no way make you sad or dispondent or even predict doom and gloom. More than one idea can be suggested and she obviously likes your works and backdrops as a wholesale if she's got that much of it and rare ones too from you. she's your customer
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
kellybellman: Yes exactly, you wrote what i tried to say for 250 answers but maybe I'm not able to explain perfectly
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
the problem is not rezzing the backdrops, it's the timing
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
oakley_foxtrot: because my backdrops are not in the new release section, but I felt that way and I wanted to discuss about it.. I can't im her to say "remove other people backdrops" lol I don't care about my old ones now
Astralia ♥
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
And also, this is not the only place where this happens, but in the others they usually wait after the event it's over, that is totally fine for me
6 years ago
i really don't think the sim owner did it in a malicious manner. they feel like they're helping the community and i'm all for that! i think it's a very neat idea. but i do see your feelings on it. maybe you should have a talk with them either way, so they know your feelings for the future.
Astralia ♥
6 years ago
Anyway guys, I think 241 answers are enough lol Everyone said their feelings. I won't delete this plurk because for me it's ok if it stays, but I think the dicussion can end here. I read your feedback and I appreciate all your comments, negatives and positives. Food for toughts :-)
6 years ago
I was decent. I feel you’re taking this a bit too personally.
Kittyfox McMeep
6 years ago
liyahdeloncroix: I'm sorry but who are you? everyone here was just expressing their opinion. who was brow beating?
6 years ago
I am super late to the party, but I have never once considered Mesh Photo Backdrops to be something along the lines of 'Disposable'. Every backdrop I purchase, I buy with the intent to keep and reuse, and even let family and friends use for need of a photo.
Mysteriah says
6 years ago
Late but I still wanted to share my opinion. I for one am grateful to that place for providing them whereas I am not able to afford it myself most of the time, a lot of us don't use RL money exchange so this place was heaven. But we also appreciate the creators' work, hence they are credited accordingly. But am still a collector and do get when I can afford.
Mysteriah says
6 years ago
I just hope you don't keep feeling bad and try to understand some of us who really cannot always afford your work at the moment but still wish to use for a picture. As you know, inspirations for pictures don't come whenever you want but on the spur of the moment. Good luck~
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