7 years ago
I know I'm supposed to listen to interviews with republicans to get a balanced view. But good god are they insane! Half the time I have to switch to a different segment cause I can't take the crazy. They CONSTANTLY talk over hosts, and if the host is a female forget it. Like hosts should be allowed to cut mics until they can AT LEAST get a question out
latest #6
7 years ago
before the politician is on a rant about something else.
7 years ago
The one I just had to stop was some buffoon back on the "democrats want abortion until the 9th month" crap. Like seriously??? AND THE PEOPLE FUCKING BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT!
Kalli (& Tibbs)
7 years ago
It's DOI nothing but cement people's already held beliefs. Plutocracy 101
Kalli (& Tibbs)
7 years ago
7 years ago
I know, but god I hate the thought that an entire swath of society is just that stupid.
7 years ago
I feel that way about all parties of politicians. I can't handle Democrat interviews either. They lie through their teeth.
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