oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
Ugh, can't read Twitter today because contacts are spoiling GoT from last night, and I won't watch until tonight. #twitterlesstoday
latest #10
6 years ago
it was a great episode can't believe that guy did that thing to that woman before he died
6 years ago
I have never watched a single episode and I know nothing about the show
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
can't say whether that's accurate, since I haven't watched the episode yet. But if it is, I'll be less surprised now. thanks for that.
6 years ago
I just made it up, if it's accurate then I should become a soothsayer
6 years ago
Hey, I don't get HBO, and am still hinging on the vain hope that GRRM will ever bother to finish the books. :-P Yea, I know it'
6 years ago
s dumb
6 years ago
I'm seriously ages behind. I just can't bring myself to spend the money, when I doubt he'll ever bother to finish it, find the series disturbingly graphic, and something about it seems just manipulative. Like he's already abandoned the project but is milking it for all he can.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
Maggiedoll: I haven't read the books, but I feel this way about them, which is why I haven't
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