Tutti Anatine says
6 years ago
In regards to AurynBeorn's last post, we got talking about LOD. Conclusion: I need to replace some of my furniture, and the "render volume LOD" setting stays down.
latest #9
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
Details in this post: Content warning
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
^ (Content warning is only because A is sometimes more honest than people can handle, usually when she's right too grins)
6 years ago
She is right. Though I tend to keep mine set to 4, because I like seeing more than triangles around me, but I'm going to stop because bet that's part of why sl has gotten so slow for me
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
Faerycat: You could start with going back to 3 and get used to that first if the step is too much all at once? I admit it is a bit weird to see things with less detail than I'm used to.
6 years ago
I might. but I don't mind less detail, I might something going from shape to triangle in seconds.
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
I get that. I just had a little heart drop because one of my favorite tables, which I use thrice in my house, is horrible on < LOD 4. So now I need to find a replacement for it, because I cannot unsee this
Tutti Anatine
6 years ago
I did so well with not shopping
6 years ago
6 years ago
I just hope it doesn't turn out to be my clothes, especially on shop alt. She doesn't have many, but I'd rather not need to replace them all.
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