EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
Tonight im off for a sleep study to test if i still have sleep apnea after losing 60% of my body weight. I havent used my cpap for the last few weeks cos i was waking with constant headaches and bloating and feel way better so fingers crossed
latest #10
7 years ago
good luck!!!!! I'll be thinking of you!
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
Grazia2: thanks. They are pretty boring things hahah. Will just be a crappy nights sleep. I am all checked in and waiting for the technicians
7 years ago
yeah.. i can only imagine it being less than comfy... will you be covered in patches and receptors etc?
7 years ago
Hopefully they'll find that you won't need the cpap any more (goodluck)
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Still cute, though
7 years ago
Glam-Medical, definitely still cute!
7 years ago
haha thanks guys. technician isn't supposed to tell me anything but he did say I have some episodes in rem sleep esp on my back so I might not be free
7 years ago
but I was sleeping worse with it so not gonna use it again til I see the sleep physician in two weeks
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