About the fact Luke should have an actual story behind his choices and exile and REASONS. Which I hope all the original trio get their decisions that lead to TFA and lives fleshed out a little more.
Also dammit they don't sound so estranged/distant - just apart ;.;
like Han needed to get away but did his best to stay in touch
I bet they kept up with what each other was doing
maybe Han helped keep the Resistance in various supplies?
it'd make sense with him being a smuggler
It seemed it TFA that he kept his distance because he felt she didn't want him there, but I think he wouldn't have just gone blip off the radar.
probably too many memories triggered for both of them
and, yeah, I don't see him doing a complete vanishing act after the OT
it'd completely undo his character development there
and I wonder if Luke's not trying to find where Snoke came from or at least learned his Force shenanigans from...
I wouldn't be surprised, actually! There's talk Leia knew Snoke before he was completely Snokey. I feel like Lor San Tekka or whatever his name was, having the map to Luke, and being on Jakku, where Rey was isn't a coincidence either - plus being very loyal to Leia (yet having to be found, not coming to her?) and knowing Han, and Ben as a kid.
So maybe that flows with what Luke is doing. Lor San Tekka knew when he'd want to be found? Or something?
there definitely seem to be little pieces of things
apparently MH has said he disagrees with everything Luke says but
that could mean that he disagrees personally with Luke or that he disagrees with the characterization
and he has said he likes working with RJ as a director
so I suspect it's just that he disagrees with Luke
correction, MH said RJ is his favorite director to work with
apparently, people keep interpreting what MH said as him disagreeing with the charactization of Luke rather than disagreeing with the character
hey yeah, that's a thing!
and I haven't seen the context of the quote so...
like I've always said, my biggest fear is that whatever he's been up to, they won't make it make sense
Yas, that XD that Rian wants it to make sense, and not be just 'GOTTA GO BAD STUFF HAPPENED.'
I... actually hope Luke does go Dark, at least for a little
Maybe that has some grounding
At celebration last year in London he was asked that in his panel and he expertly dodged talking about anything to do with Luke going dark XD
between that line and his dodging....
I'm ok with that as long as it's character driven
then again, it could all be misdirection
bc some of the EU did some crazy stuff?
oh right a lifetime of relating
Who knows, he loves to troll about daisy/rey being his daughter. XD
either it's a lol you don't know how much I'm actually telling you, or complete trolling
yeah, well, look who else he plays.....
I'm torn between hoping Rey is either Luke's daughter or Leia's and hoping she's not...
Maybe he kinda tried to experiment in a way, in that kinda that the Force doesn't have to be extreme ends - all light or all dark, as if that's what went wrong in the past. Except that was also the wrong way to go. XD
or could it be a referrence to the first Dark Empire book?
the one where Luke got the genius idea to try to destroy the Dark Side from within
I'm torn, honestly there's a part of me that wants her to be a Skywalker through Leia, because I want her and Han to have nice things and a decent legacy, and I think all the ties they're hinting to her heritage and memories and ties to be red herrings. But also I'd be cool with her just being Rey.
er, I think it would be disappointing in a way for it all to be red herrings
but ..I would also be weirdly understanding if they just wanted to make Kylo the Skywalker and have Rey just be her own Rey person.
although there's also hints at her being related to Obi-wan....
I've seen some good fics with them as siblings or cousins
I've also seen some well done Reylo
bb jyn (while Saw was raising her) and bb leia hanging XD
Reylo is my #1 squick with the new fandom rn
they'd be so cute as kids!
I can't if it's not done right
it's mostly got to be very AU
But, I also get we're all allowed to have our takes on fandom XD
then again, I have a massive weakness for dark!fic
have you seen any of the new SW/old SW crossovers?
there's a couple and... /drops dead
one with Anakin Solo and one with Jaina and Kyp
I still can't find good Luke fic.
like I'm going through rec lists and... it's all mostly prequel or it's not great
I know of an author from my teens/early 20s but I don't know if she still has her stuff up anywhere
she did some REAL good Luke fic