7 years ago
anyone has unused donation slots? we'd like to get some of the original beyblade cast in since we're rewatching
latest #17
7 years ago
I have one slot but you're welcome to it!
7 years ago
7 years ago
also thank you for donating kimi no na wa decks, i was waiting for these
7 years ago
You're welcome! I hope they turn out well. :-D
rεη's bαηgs
7 years ago
my slots are always open for spinning top nerds! (also you've probably got it covered well but i still have all my image packs from when i got the main kids in if you'd like some additional stuff for anybody)
fat cat
7 years ago
i'd love any image packs you have, since your screencaps are always so nice to work with! i was actually debating pplurking you and asking if you still have them... we're doing all the white tigers, all the all stars + ralf + johnny
fat cat
7 years ago
we've been rewatching the original spinning tops recently and decded to get everyone in
rεη's bαηgs
7 years ago
donated! i'll get the images uploaded here in a bit -- and ahhh i'm glad. i've been slowly rewatching too thanks to those fansubs finally existing and i just. i love all these kids so much
Be Maki-Mine🎆
7 years ago
I can give two!
rεη's bαηgs
7 years ago
finally throws images in here - this should be everybody mentioned! let me know if there's any problems.
fat cat
7 years ago
aletha is the spinning top queen us mere spinning bottoms can only aspire to be
Be Maki-Mine🎆
7 years ago
UHHHHHHHH so I checked the donation page again and a rollover comment hasn't been posted between April 14th (when I posted a third donation) and now so I might have been incorrect about my slots already being free again... is the rollover soon or would you like to give these to someone with slots open before the rollover?
7 years ago
it's on 26th but then it'd go for the next release and we're trying to donate them now
Be Maki-Mine🎆
7 years ago
Yeah in that case then I'm very sorry to have misled you so I'll forfeit.
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