Naz Fride
7 years ago
Not to quibble with the lyrics of a great song, but in the last verse of Chuck Berry's "Brown-Eyed Handsome Man" he sings "2-3 the count" which would mean 3 strikes.
Monroe Jigsaw
7 years ago
unless he meant 2-3 as in the time signature
Naz Fride
7 years ago
The verse is about a baseball player/game (pretty much accepted to be about Jackie Robinson). But that's a good idea.
Monroe Jigsaw
7 years ago
ah...well maybe it's an allusion to striking out in context of the song
7 years ago
Yeah, maybe it's intended as a sort of double-entendre.
Naz Fride
7 years ago
But in the song he has not struck out. He hits a home run and wins the game.