Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Can someone please help me find something fun to do in SL, I'm so upset I'm crying. I'm a good person right? I know I have my issues but at the end of the day I'm a good person right? I try to be at least.
latest #10
7 years ago
one of the markers of maturity is knowing you are in your heart, despite what anyone else may shout. That said, you seem to have a good soul, and I hope you're aware most of us know that to be true
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Awes thank you GingoGumbo My boyfriend even gave you a thumbs up because I read to him what you said.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
I'm doing my best. :-)
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
I tried. She kept on and on and on. Then threatened to blog about me on her social media blog and I lost it. I try to stay passive aggressive because I know everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but when you try to force that on me, treat me like a child, and threaten me by saying people will confront me because she's gonna blog it, I get really pissed.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
We opened our home to her because she was being evicted and had no where else to go. My boyfriend opened his heart to her and is really hurt by what she did and that pissed me off even more.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Her issue was rl eviction. But after what she did today I told my boyfriend that the door is closed permanently. Not only did I remove her from my friends list, I blocked her, and reported her.
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