well I prefer lelutka, i have catwa and multiple genesis heads, I think lelutka is more ME, it's just really subjective because I think the others are very pretty and nice.
Also the hud is plenty big to see, i'm 48 and some people's huds are unreadable to me
LightStar (omega), leLutka, GA.EG (omega)
LeLetuka the hud is really well done and manageable. I like Catwa but the whole process seemed more daunting to figure out what to buy.
ty for the survey i hope to receive more feedbacks
Forgot to add my reasons, sorry! LightStar is closer to the standard avatar, so you can get some looks that are closer to your system avatar. Its cheaper, but more simplistic. LeLutka is really well-done and polished and I find it better rigged than Catwa.
GA.EG is also nicely rigged and another brand that I feel is closer to the system avatar and require less extreme shape settings.
ty freyja
I love the Catwa animations, but I'm really not a fan of the bigger lips. LeLutka's bento Simone was more customizable to my taste in appearance, so I'd say that's my favorite. If Catwa ever made a bento head that didn't have big smoochy duck lips I'd be all over it.
Most lips are too big for my taste on bento heads. I'm waiting for one that isn't that way.
I'm more and more preferring Lelutka.. but thats from a designer perspective mixed with personal perspective.. also the sliders perform closer to how I expect them to. I need to buy and try Lightstar past the demoing phase.. lol
One thing I wish for lightstar is if I could see in demo phase how it looks with other skins
Ill have to check out GA.EG now too,
Linda_A ! hehe
From the designer perspective.. my lip shape for system heads was near spot on for the lelutka bento whereas it was way too small for catwa.. that part was frustrating to find out about after seeing how well the lips fit lelutka
I think you can install the omega scripts in the LightStar demos too, check with the creator. And I agree that the LeLutka sliders are much more predictable than Catwa.
Thanks for the survey,
PXLcreations hehe.. I have really been wondering too what folks feels were for the latest heads.
Catwa. I adore that she's thought of and implemented so many ways to customize things, and I love multiple layers of makeup.
i do the survey to listen the customer perspective and develope appliers on the system that is more "usable"
hehe yah, thats extremely important. There is the latest news that broke what.. last nite? that Genesis is gonna be pushing bento heads over to omega-compatibility so thats another one that gets to be pooled into considerations again

As an aside.. I bought the lightstar heads and GA.EG heads and omg Freyja was spot on about the UV matching on the lips =)
havent tried other makeups hehe
er GA.EG female head.. not heads hehe
as a skin designer, even all heads are "original uvmap" compatible, every head need a complete rework on lips, nose and eyes position/size. Is a very annoying task especially because heads designers not provide a OBJ model to paint over, so mosto fo the time is a try and modify task for matching the right spot.
I don't do skins.. primarily makeup for applier stuff.. but yah.. eye makeups are most notorious for being difficult..
Im happy to say that the lelutka bento and a few other bento heads have gotten a lot closer to SLUV .. at least for lips. I know the eyes are always gonna seem to need adjustment. I still say of all the mesh heads I tried to directly push system makeup over to.. Slink was spot on hehe. Even on the eyes
well i think is time to do a mesh head fully compatible with UVMAP standard... i'm curious to try
I found Lelutka the easiest to work with, with the most beautiful HUD experience, and Simone is closest to my default SL av's shape. The last point is key and probably has a lot to do with people's preferences. Slink Visage Emma was my second pick, if she gets updated to Bento and better alpha stacking, I would wear her all the time.
from a creator standpoint: getting eyes and lips to fit everything is a challenge. I was happy to see I didn't need to do much to make Lelutka fit. But Catwa?? Forget it, the heads aren't even consistent between each other. It's why I held off making cosmetics for them as long as I could - it was just so much work redrawing the stupid lips every time.
Curious to see how Genesis Lab's Omega version will be UV mapped, because I have their current dev kit and their UV map is pretty whack.
AlaskaMetro Slink Visage always made me beam a smile when my eye makeups would just "work" without futzing hehe
Thankfully with Skin fair this year.. there are a lot of heads to tinker with now to see how they handle other makeup types than just lips hehe
PXLcreations I think it would be fantastic for you as a creator to go in with the intent on staying supah close to the UV map standard and see what you can squeeze out of it to create a head hehe. I'll be watching you
still learning new bent face bones... if rigghing before was not too much complex now to make a good rigging with all these small bones becomes a nightmare