EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
Soooooo I asked my gf to move in. She hasn't exactly replied yet but that's not unusual hahaha she will take weeks to process this ;-) but she didn't panic and freak out.
latest #8
7 years ago
That's a big step!
What does a lesbian take on a second date? A U-Haul ;-) Seriously though, that's a big step but if you're both ready, why delay it?! I hope she says yes!
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
Cyberpink: hahahha we have been together almost 6 months and known each other for 2.5 years.
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
It is a big step but one I think we are ready for. It has been discussed a little before now. Won't happen for at least a few months anyway cos she takes a long time to process
7 years ago
That's awesome congrats and Cyberpink: that is my sisters favorite joke she tells it all the time and I think for her it's always been the 3rd date lol
Six months? Wow, that went fast!
7 years ago
Nice! In that case, I hope the next few months fly by
7 years ago
exciting news!
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