Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
Things to do when wrist-fracture and cast seriously complicates computer-activities: read, read and read. I've been devouring The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold, taking a moment to flail in approval.
latest #31
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
I fail in being a Finn, and slipped and fell about two weeks ago. Now my left hand begins to be almost alright and the cast-bound right is able to type clumsily and use mouse even clumsier.
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
But my point was to flail and recommend! Vorkosigan Saga (Chronological) by Lois McMaster Bujold
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
And yes, AliaBaroque has been recommending it to me for yeeaars, finally got around to start it, and once I did, there's no stopping. Have to read them all!
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
Something very fitting in this situation when the main hero is handicapped, has brittle bones and breaks them all the time.
7 years ago
Oh no.. Get better soon!
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
BishieStyleSL: working on it!
Alia Baroque
7 years ago
I might not be handicapped thankfully, but I became a master in bone breakage, so you apprentice need to still do a lot of breaking up... just not with me
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
I'm quite content with this amount of breaking anything, up or otherwise, thank you very much.
Alia Baroque
7 years ago
and yes, did read them between 1999 and 2001 and since then became my favourite space opera together with Dune, so if you are into it just give it a go.
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
Alia Baroque
7 years ago
suggested by Carver and Bunny.
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
I feel like that should be some bizarre brand name, I just can't fathom for what. *laughs
Coyote Laughs
7 years ago
Cripes! Don't do that!
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
GRMcIntyre: Certainly trying not to repeat this experience in the future, that's for certain!
Nevermore says
7 years ago
hughug >.<
7 years ago
(cozy) At least there are always good books!
7 years ago
7 years ago
All the purrs, to speed bones healing.
Magda K
7 years ago
Carver & Bunny Wines?
Magda K
7 years ago
Carver & Bunny Vodka!
Magda K
7 years ago
Carver & Bunny Toys: Sensual Pleasures for Whimsical Adults.
Sonya Marmurek
7 years ago
Thank you, all. Books and purrings make for a good healing.
7 years ago
bunbun - you suppose to haz daa bubblewrap - so no broken bones. yasyas ! (cozy)
Magda K
7 years ago
wonders if Oldesoul has ever read Sluggy Freelance ...
7 years ago
magzkam: well nuuuuu
Magda K
7 years ago
Magda K
7 years ago
7 years ago
magzkam: something to read at school tomorrow
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