SySy says
7 years ago
At what point does a President become impeachable? Isnt this unconstitutional???
latest #7
7 years ago
we're trying to figure this out... doesn't seem like anyone with enough firepower behind them have the balls to take him on
7 years ago
I'd love for someone to go in with FBI agents and arrest his ass, but that won't happen
7 years ago
plus... then we get Pence
7 years ago
and if not Pence,... Ryan
7 years ago
it's the descending levels in hell from Dante's Inferno
(((Cajsa))) says
7 years ago
He was impeachable on his first day because of emoluments, but impeachment requires a vote of House of Representatives which will not impeach him.
(((Cajsa))) says
7 years ago
Pence is better than Trump, though harder to mobilize against.
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