Zyrra asks
7 years ago
So what are you working on today?
latest #20
7 years ago
I am working (procrastinating) on a gacha. what about you?
7 years ago
I'm working on a puzzle on this facebook thingie called twist world. I think its an artsy vagina. Not sure though
7 years ago
i am making my photo for this Flickr
7 years ago
I'm working a cup of coffee. and debating on about 5 diff things i can do. I think i will work on Sl project. making a deco style beach structure for someone.
7 years ago
But now i am distracted with , Twist world. lol
7 years ago
7 years ago
my vagina puzzle
7 years ago
LOL now i have to look into this...
7 years ago
be sure to also check out cross stitch world
7 years ago
oh hey! that's by the same people that made my fav puzzle games!
ellie bellie
7 years ago
massive bit of excel data analysis for RL work. i'd like to say i'm bored, but really i kind of love doing this sort of thing. 8-)
7 years ago
ellekirshner: Don't you love to UV as well? hehe
7 years ago
twist world twist world. getting nothing done today.
7 years ago
hey, UVing is awesome!
7 years ago
totally serious. no sarcasm
7 years ago
i love it
ellie bellie
7 years ago
Zyrra: not as much as i love mucking about in excel!
7 years ago
someone tell me what is fun about UVing. I want to like it too :-(
7 years ago
ha ha. I have a serious OCD issue with organization, and weirdly enough, I get a certain sense of satisfaction when I arrange UVs
7 years ago
wow, I can spell. I almost typed "satisfication"
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