CJSensei is
15 years ago
first plurk of the day for me
latest #10
15 years ago
Um... should I report this as identity theft or are you back in Plurk? :-)
CJSensei says
15 years ago
It's me...no whacky comments either(LOL)
15 years ago
Just read your Twitter posts :-) Odd that I went to Twitter to find out you're back here. What does that say!?! ;
15 years ago
CJSensei says
15 years ago
idk..I got so pissed at ppl not being nice enogh to reply to us little ppl, I deleted like 175 ppl I followed last night
15 years ago
I go back and forth on following followers. Some just aren't worth it
CJSensei says
15 years ago
I agree. I only use FB for ppl that I see at work, students etc. Twitter is my tt everyone place, and here I get freaky(LOL)
15 years ago
Good place to get freaky. Can you hear the empty echos in here :-)
CJSensei says
15 years ago
15 years ago
I'll catch you later. I'm needed for penetration ;-)
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