I used to blow a lot of $$ on xmas, like way more than I ever should. This year I cut way way back. I plan on keeping it under 500. Holiday meal included. So, interestingly enough, I thought i'd be bummed..
As it has turned out, I'm quite enjoying it. I realize that 500 is still kind of a lot and well this is my first world problem. i admit. ok but. I have really been thinking about gifts for a change.
Thinking about something special , ya know. vs just some garbage I see online. So point being that it really feels like it used to. Like when I would pick out something for my grandma as a kid.
As a family, we decided to theme our xmas. We're doing a retro type of gift giving. stuff we liked as kids. little cute things that aren't expensive. but fun and nostalgic.
We're also doing a bad santa grab bag thing, which i will have one gift that has 50 dollars cash in it. and then the rest are bad gifts. like a dog bone or fake poop. iDk. dollar store stuff.
everyone can pick one and steal from one another the unopened gift. nobody knows one will have 50 bucks in it though. anyway the kids are loving the whole bad santa gift idea thing. lol
anyway , i just enjoy giving people things in general. especially my nieces and nephew. it makes me happy, ya know. its not about money or presents n shit. and this year really proves it.