7 years ago
FATE Hand Poser FATE Hand Poser - pose your Bento hands!
latest #23
7 years ago
Available now on the marketplace
haha Pinky is important!
That is awesome!
7 years ago
Thank you! It is going to be very useful for photos :-D
Eve/Katharine says
7 years ago
oooh I might have to start using my avatar in blog posts just because of this
7 years ago
very cool
Mari says
7 years ago
Will this work with system hands (assuming a bento capable viewer, of course)
Eve/Katharine says
7 years ago
mmccann: I don't think so, the description on MP says 'This HUD requires Bento enabled hands to work'
Eve/Katharine says
7 years ago
it would be good if it did, then we wouldn't have to buy bento hands (LOL)
7 years ago
I imagine most hand makers will be working on, or already have completed, Bento enabled versions of their hands. Hopefully they send free updates but probably not ;-)
7 years ago
saw on the blogger group i'm in that maitreya is updating their body's hands
Eve/Katharine says
7 years ago
nimil: really? yay!
7 years ago
mmccann: unfortunately bento only controls mesh rigged to the new bones, its not going to do anything for LL's original body parts.
Mari says
7 years ago
nimil: Well, poo. Scratch that off the list.
Caroline Apollo
7 years ago
wow this is amazing
7 years ago
O.M.G. This is brilliant! I love how you made it so easy to pose the hand. This is the easiest hand poser for 3d figure I have ever seen. Brilliant!
7 years ago
And.... I think you need a lot more presets. And even a way to share preset poses. Is it too soon to talk of upgrade and expansion packs?
7 years ago
(LOL) If demand is high enough sure :-D
7 years ago
DamienFate: Yes. On my other plurk about it, also question was asked about being able to pose other people's hands. (like a photographer will pose a client with their hud)
7 years ago
Yes, I would love to be able to pose other people's hands, sorta like you did with the Eye Poser HUD. Is that possible?
7 years ago
Yeah I can add a puppet function. Though currently knee deep in a lot of production pre-xmas so I might not be able to add until the new year. I'll try though!
7 years ago
I understand, I'll be more than happy to wait, knowing it'll be an option int he future! <3
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