1. Gothika - as of Monday night, Gothika lives. Just not in SL. It's in Sine Space, a VW still in beta. Welcome to Space is the place to get an account.
I am back doing my sets at the same terrible time slots I always had. As of now, Pie will be going back to his regular sets (Critical Mass and whatever the hell the other one was),
2. The stores - As much as Im able, the stores will reappear over at Sine. this DEFINITELY includes House of Rain and Pale Empress and Beautiful Freak. The others are a little murky just now.
3. Speaking of Beautiful Freak, This is a thing in the world you should know about: Beautiful Freak Cosmetics That is NOT an SL store. It's a Rl brand. Seriously. it's a real thing.
5. Ok I thought of a 4. I've been posting old sets on my mixcloud page on demand. mixcloud.com/bronxelf. I have everything from 2011 forward,. but I only post them intermittently.
It can handle more people in one place? Streams music well? Far more cost effective than SL? I've been watching out for new on Sansar and High Fidelity. I don't know as much as other VWs.
BishieStyleSL It can handle *WAYmore people in one place. Yes. it streams perfectly. I did a six hour set on the 30th and my usual 2 hours monday night. and it'sfar* more cost effective too.
Welcome back. what's Sine Space like for having a store and how does making things for it work? Do we have to start from scratch or can we import sl stuff?
I was pushing a few people towards Sine a few months ago as I know their DevOps guy very well, the one who created/handles their Curator system. I saw the video of the event on the 30th and thought it was neat!
I liked it, mostly, though it obviously needs more polish - I made a character because I was going to come out Sunday, but I was too tired and missed it And its good to hear from you and yay!
Also, I submitted to do creator type things, but haven't heard back, but I've all sorts of access to unity tutorials, and I'm a -little- familiar with it, so I'm really optimistic.
Welcome back~! Sine already has one thing going for it over Sansar in my opinion...they're planning a Linux version. I would actually be able to use it. LOL
Er, what's "unity' since t' only thing I know by that name is a much-loathed (& loved by some) window manager. Also, have they said anything about if/when their Linux client will appear? I'm DONE with Windows.