7 years ago
My baby Brother died Wednesday. Please pray that I can be strong for my family next weekend for the funeral.
latest #8
7 years ago
I am so sorry to hear that I will pray for you and your family :-( (cozy)
The Godmother
7 years ago
I'm so sorry. (cozy)
calicokitty6 says
7 years ago
7 years ago
I am so sorry Holly. You'll be, and are in my thoughts and prayers. (flower) (cozy)
7 years ago
Oh, Holly, I'm so very sorry. What a sad time for you all. And we all will be keeping you in our hearts. (cozy)
7 years ago
I'm so sorry, Holly (cozy)
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago
omg I am sooo sorry!!
:-( So sorry to hear sweetie My deepest and heart felt condolences. (cozy) May you be propped up by the love and support of all of us here. (heart)
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