I'm having issues just like keeping up with stuff and staying organized so I'm looking for like tips you have or idk, anything
I use google calender and have the tab always open and pinned, so i can take a look easily. it is rather colorful in a busy month but helps me to
see what I still have to do and such, when I put in events right after I apply I even know when to not apply to something else etc
if i am not accepted i can just delete the event again
This for example is my July
the blacked out ones are personal appointments and birthdays
and whatever i need to do for the events goes into their description so I can check on it easily
I have a giant whiteboard that I can always see next to me. As much as I like having digital reminders, this is always a physical one that I cannot miss or forget to check.
as stupid as it sounds: we have a table diary calendar. one page for every day. we note day of setup, blogger day, open to public, contact person and other relevant stuff there. it helps me a lot
I also have a whiteboard that I keep next to my desk, I keep SL event dates on that. I've also been trying to write down setup deadlines a day ahead (for non-monthly things) so I'm ready early when possible
google doc spreadsheet of my dates/participating designers.
i have a notebook, i write there stuff month by month
I have a few notebooks so I might just take one and always try to keep it open. I have a calendar in sl and I try to use google docs as much as I can
I guess I just need to like force myself to get shit straight
maybe i'll try the desk calendar thing too like so i always see it
it'll always be in my face lol
thank you guys so much <3 keep replying too if you have other ways. everything helps
I use a bullet journal to write down things I need to do, and then I have a spreadsheet to keep track of what needs to be revamped, listed on MP, or if it was an exclusive that's not for sale anymore
The desk calendar really is a life saver for me. you need to force yourself to Note all the important things in it. But in a week it is just a normal routine
I'd probably use google calendar if I was in lots of events. Easiest way to stay organised is not apply for so many events
eh i have to write physically or i forget shit even if its in the pc i dunno why. it NEEDS to be in my agenda i cant live without it! I tried google calendar. that didnt really work well for me
The act of writing helps memory, I think.
Yep it does
proven fact
i physically write shit down and have it on my desk. i have a digital calendar in my phone with everything filled out. i also have boards in SL for each event with hovertext reminding dates in my skybox.
the one that i refer to the most is the physical written down on my desk, but the others are easy to refer to when i'm not at my desk, be it in SL on another computer or away from computers in general.
but i keep the date data simple- the only thing that i need to keep track of is set up deadlines. the written down is a list in order, things get crossed out as they are done. the hovertext boxes get nuked
or re-hovertexted with new dates when done. the phone calendar lists setup dates recurring as necessary.
Oh also inventory, I keep a folder just for events. accept packages and notecards get put there immediately or I have a really hard time finding them/accidentally deleting them. I should've done that sooner lol
ooh I need to try that. I've always struggled keeping the MP updated, it's months behind now
miirandaroo: same, i'm glad you made this plurk tho cause there's a lot of great tips being shared, i love our little community lol
Combination of bullet journal and Google spreadsheet (spreadsheet includes setup dates and # of prims, exclusives, etc.)
i just keep random pieces of paper on my desk with the dates noted down
I use Apple's calendar and it keeps me organized. I should try google calendars, but I don't want to give more stuff to Google than I already do
Google Calendar, Google Docs, phone alerts...
Personally I prefer trello to google calendar because you can do all sorts of things with it and since I normally work in collaboration with
Nicolias_Sadoul it makes both our lives easier...most of the time.
When we remember to check/update it. coughs
I have three calendars, sad as it sounds. Work (rl), Work (sl) & Events (sl)
Google Calendar, Trello, I use Rainlendar and Rainmeter to have the info on my desktop, I have a physical planner that I write things into, and I use IFTTT to automate tasks as much as possible.
Notebook with setup/payment/application days and other data, and open on my desk all the time.
I don't have an SL store but I do social media management for a living, so always a lot of crazy things to track. I use a google calendar to mark important dates for publishing blog posts, campaigns, releases.
For the actual todo lists associated with those things, I use a program on Mac called Taskpaper. I hemmed and Hawed because it was like 25 bucks or something, but I love it.
It basically lets you make collapsible bulleted lists of tasks. Super simple, like those bullet journals everyone loves now, and so handy. I set it up by dates for the month and fill as I go.
Oh, and I think Nimil said Trello - I just started using that and it's awesome for some things, like keeping ideas for releases.
The last one I'll mention here, that is sort of not related but I can't live without is 1Password. That stores logins, of which I have at least 40 just for my job. I'd die if it died. Good place to keep
multiple flickr logins, avatar login info, etc.
Oh forgot to add that I also use Google Keep for reminder notes because I forget everything if I don't note stuff down.