8 years ago
[DWRP MASTERLIST] There is now a new DWRP Master Game List available. It will poll rpanons once monthly for add/removes of new and closed games.
latest #148
8 years ago
Please provide updates there in a central place, it's easier.
8 years ago
And please replurk this! Not all games advertise on rpa. I figure I'll do a monthly plurk when the polls go up once a month as well so people can replurk.
8 years ago
Do you list invite-only games?
8 years ago
I'm gonna say no to invite-only or closed museboxes because this is more meant for people looking over game lists for open games to see what's out there
8 years ago
Then I have no additional suggestions for you. Great idea though and good luck with keeping it up-to-date!
8 years ago
8 years ago
Do you plan to list short-term games (like most murdergames) or just longer-term ones?
Thanks for doing this, kind mod! I have one suggestion: how about making a separate section for so-called murder games, be it in the jamjar or as a separate kind? They're kind of specific in type, I think.
Oh ha, I see Pteryx beat me to it
8 years ago
8 years ago
That's kind of iffy because the idea behind invite-only games is that there's someone to vet the incoming players
8 years ago
But in that case you'd know about the game via word-of-mouth. Which is how invite-only games would expect the word to be spread
8 years ago
The murdergames usually have ongoing rounds, correct?
8 years ago
Like even if each round is a difffernet thing, the games usually continue but do new rounds?
8 years ago
If they're ongoing they can count as a game. and iirc there aren't that many murder games and people looking for one would know to check the horror section
8 years ago
the gdoc directory can be the more complex listing, this is barebones basics so that it'll be easy to keep updated for a very long time
8 years ago
So I'm going to keep it a few simple categories and genres, because the more genres it gets split into, the more other sub-genres people are going to want.
8 years ago
As for invite only the list is meant for people looking for new games to potentially app onto. Invite-only is ostensibly meant to limit things to word of mouth
8 years ago
Are there even enough journal-based games around anymore to merit a section?
8 years ago
For someone looking for just a basic list of places to app, they usually just want a list of what's open
8 years ago
zitasaurusrex Route was the only one and apparently that's changing at the end of the month.
8 years ago
So the journal-based sections likely will be removed. But I wanted to leave them right now for the first poll just in case
8 years ago
Part of why it's split is so I can link each category to a corresponding poll comment when I do the polls
8 years ago
We'll see
8 years ago
Part of it was needing to see how many games we even had first
8 years ago
We used to have a lot more.
Will you be listing meme comms or is this for games only?
8 years ago
Right now I'm worried about just populating the list with the right info. I'll tinker around with organizing later
8 years ago
I think rpa lists the memecomms directly in the resources.
8 years ago
I dunno that murdergames can really be lumped in with all the other horror games. The essential gameplay is different.
8 years ago
What was out of date was a game list
They do?! I didn't know this!
8 years ago
how many murder games are there?
the essential gameplay is a whole lot faster in a murdergame than in a 'regular' horror game - it's a few months' worth of character development squashed into a few weeks
8 years ago
But how many murder games are thre?
8 years ago
Part of this is whether or not something has enough games to justify anything beyond a basic category. If it's just one game...
Dangan Roleplay, Trustfell, Seven Vices, and I know there are smaller ones
8 years ago
Right now only dangan was listed.
I know DRRP and TF run multiple rounds, I am not sure about SV
8 years ago
If there are enough to justify a genre section I can add it
I have nothing more to add, but you have my utmost respect, mod person. Public inquiries like this are difficult to manage on even the best days. I wish you all the best
doubling on that massive respect!
boomtown info is correct, ty for listing us!
thank you for listing my game!
though I was curious if only games of a certain size/etc end up on the spreadsheet or if there's a form/etc. for that
8 years ago
Wasn't Seven Vices a oneshot?
8 years ago
I don't handle the spreadsheet so I'm not sure.
8 years ago
A lot of people take a crack at that.
8 years ago
I think that's self edited
8 years ago
And we just had a very nice anon who said they tried their best to organize it recently
8 years ago
Thanks for this
8 years ago
Rather than "murder games" I'm going to do a "multiple round" game section
8 years ago
Just in case we get any that are non-murder flavored
That SEEMED to be the case, but I didn't want to fuddle with things
8 years ago
Are there any others besides dangan and trustfell?
8 years ago
I added those two to a "multiple round" genre section
8 years ago
Are any of them open rather than invite only?
8 years ago
can I suggest that you also make one list of all games? I understand why you've split them by categories but it'd be really great to see at a glance just how many games are currently going
8 years ago
Because it could be a multiple round/short run section but really this ought to be for open games
8 years ago
I may consolidate after I'm finished collecting
8 years ago
Right now if I switch it all the links on the rpa poll will break
8 years ago
First I'll collect everything. Then I'll see how much I can consolidate and simplify it
8 years ago
yeah that makes sense! ty for considering
There's that one beginning with C (I forgot the name, sadly) with the sci-fi setting that is a murder game, I think? Can't remember if it's supposed to be multi-round or not, though.
8 years ago
One shot would be okay as well as long as it's open to app in
8 years ago
People might want to find one shot short run games too
8 years ago
tough question. Dressing rooms tend to come and go a lot and are sometimes hard to monitor for activity so I think I'm going to say no
8 years ago
psychelocks I think that was called "Cradle Project"?
8 years ago
Games are a lot easier to do a once monthly "are these still open y/n" spot check
8 years ago
If someone else wants to organize a dressing room directory though I'd be willing to affiliate.
awestriker: That's the one, thank you!
dwrpmasterlist is
8 years ago
that an open one?
8 years ago
And is that a one shot or a multi round?
as someone looking for a game, this is great. thank you!
8 years ago
You're welcome!
8 years ago
with everyone's requests for organizing and all that I'll take them into account once we have the basics down
8 years ago
I was actually expecting more games so I started it set up like gamedirectory was but our community definitely has dwindled
8 years ago
It'll probably all just fit in one page when I'm finished
8 years ago
thank you!
8 years ago
Thank you for this!
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
Medietas is a new game that just opened last month. ::is just one of the players, not a mod::
8 years ago
No prob guys. After this first organizing, it should be pretty easy to keep up. This is the hard part.
dwrpmasterlist is
8 years ago
that fantasy?
Darth Imperious
8 years ago
Think that's a safe category to put it in. Islands are floating in the air because magic.
8 years ago
8 years ago
drrp is limited but at least open so I'll leave it on the list
sekishi: actually, that's just gimmick rounds! :3 the main rounds are open to anyone
(the limited app slots apply to drrp as a whole, tho)
8 years ago
OK I have a thing to get to but you can keep leaving any feedback here and I'll check it when I'm back. I'd reccomend any new game recs be on the rpanons poll though so I don't accidentally miss anything
8 years ago
Thank you guys for the help, just getting the first up to date list together is the hardest part, after this, organizing and updating once a month should be a cinch.
8 years ago
idk about murder games being listed either tbh bc even though a lot of them are word of mouth, the point for most of the games is that they're closed and invite-only within a specific group
8 years ago
and friends can invite friends and so forth but in my experience, there's still a preference given to the immediate friends circle
8 years ago
and if there are any spaces left over, that's when it becomes open to friends and friends and so forth. and then in all of the games i've been in, when interest started to grow,
8 years ago
the mods would put player/character caps bc they're also supposed to be small games for friends.
8 years ago
i think DRRP and Trustfell might be different? But all the other muder/mafia games I've been have been pretty strictly invite-only.
8 years ago
i guess if you really want to put them up tho, there's a whole "other games" section they can go in???
8 years ago
iirc that is the case for some but I think if there's at least 2 it's worth it for the more publicly open ones
8 years ago
to have a category. Trustfell and drrp are pretty solidly open. There might be others later
iirc there's a few.... tentatively planned to go ahead this year that aren't invite-only but im not sure if they're still happening
8 years ago
Multiround games tend to come and go, there will possibly be more open multirounds in the future
8 years ago
And occasionally there are one-run games that are meant to be open, so the category is there
8 years ago
iirc Legion is meant to be a 1-2 year run but is an open game. If it was shorter, I'd put it as a one shot too, but I feel 2 years is game-gamey
8 years ago
But there are occasionally 6 month and 1 year games that sometimes pop up that aren't invite only
8 years ago
It's just every so often
8 years ago
as long as we have some might as well leave a multi-round/oneshot category there so it's there to add to
8 years ago
(and now I go for reals, bbl)
8 years ago
as someone still pretty damn new to dwrp this helps a huge ton. thanks for putting this effort forth.
darkred says
8 years ago
8 years ago
Multiple round sounds like a fair category. Thank you. :-)
8 years ago
Oh cool :-o Props to all of y'all for doing this
8 years ago
I'm surprised there's so few 18+ games
8 years ago
yeah, wow, those used to Rule The School
8 years ago
8 years ago
I've heard it suggested that a lack of 18+ games is some of why smut players are so possessive of bakerstreet.
8 years ago
Dunno how much truth there is to that, but.
8 years ago
Small suggestion, for the AU games, you should probably mention what canons (if any) they are based off of
8 years ago
with additional details as appropriate
... from above: "with everyone's requests for organizing and all that I'll take them into account once we have the basics down"
8 years ago
dammitmasa There aren't many AU games to sort through so I'm going to leave it as is
8 years ago
There are also panfandom games based on canons too like route that would technically merit the same treatment but the idea is keeping the list so simple as to be sustainable for
8 years ago
both my own future laziness and the laziness of anyone I may have to ever pass it down to in the future
8 years ago
If it's just the bare basics, we have a much higher chance of having a basic, up to date list lasting for ages.
8 years ago
So the less description or links the better. It won't be the most convenient but it'll at least be easy to keep it up to date and carrying on
8 years ago
Maybe it should be possible for people to post additional details in comments somehow? Something you personally don't have to do, although..
8 years ago
I could see idiots taking advantage of that and being asses, too, and then someone having to delete a bunch of spam
8 years ago
But if you had something like that it could just be an A B C D thing where people could post deets for their game maybe :|a
8 years ago
This is neat! And it's cool to see how many games we have of the different genres. Thanks for all the work!
8 years ago
There's still the google docs list to post more details to
8 years ago
it might be relevant to link that at the bottom or top of the monthly lists
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