8 years ago
I just want to introduce you all to the latest visitor to Port Liberty and Temperance Resort (who I unfortunately had to ask to depart the island until she looks vaguely realistic)
latest #8
8 years ago
8 years ago
Wow, is that a default -skin-?
lol was she a troll or serious
8 years ago
Along with the psycho-bitch screaming at a player to kill themselves and their daughter, it has been a weird night.
8 years ago
Kis_Faith: I really don't know, when asked to change avatar to one that fit the setting all she said was 'ok', then left the region.
8 years ago
Faerycat: I couldn't tell you What that is. Any part of it. Nor do I want to. There was no way I was doing any inspecting (LOL)
8 years ago
On second look at her profile, pretty sure serious. Complete with the prim giant nipples that don't actually match the textured nipples positions, which you can't see on that shot.
8 years ago
I was mostly being factious, I remember when that was the only skin option we had, and tattoo layer was used for tattoos. And I don't blame you, the default skin was not a pretty thing.
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