now more queer!
9 years ago
[medication, money, the usual things that piss me off]
latest #23
now more queer!
9 years ago
so, now being off my meds (hooray money) for just over two weeks now, I'm recognizing a few things
now more queer!
9 years ago
1) much MUCH less patience in general. I get really pissed, really easily these days and that's very frustrating
now more queer!
9 years ago
2) so much harder to focus on anything productive without my meds and wow, makes it clear why college the first time sucked so bad.
now more queer!
9 years ago
3) just trying to do anything that requires consistent application of brains - homework, MUN, even stuff like video games - is a lot more difficult.
now more queer!
9 years ago
4) admittedly, also easier to put things into clarity on the "what I want/need" in the grand scale sense because wow do I have a better understanding of that now.
now more queer!
9 years ago
4 cont'd) basically, a) I'm lonely and really want people to be around, and particularly someone in person who I can actually trust and cuddle and be emotionally intimate with
now more queer!
9 years ago
4b) the state of things so annoys me that wow, I would get very bitter and frustrated doing education as a career
now more queer!
9 years ago
4c) fucking christ, why did it take me until going off my meds to feel like a reset on all the stuff influenced by Al, I really do not like that
now more queer!
9 years ago
5) hopefully with proper and adjusted meds, putting together the Actual Interest in politics and + ability to focus = actually being able to get into this as a career or something rather than just kvetching
now more queer!
9 years ago
yeah, not as much clarity as I'd like, but whatever, I'm trying not to spiral into depression off totally random things. small victories.
kate is
9 years ago
there anything that can be done by people who are not present in person to help?
9 years ago
and, either way: i'm sorry about all this.
now more queer!
9 years ago
I... I don't know. Having support and contact of any kind helps, I just... I'm tired of feeling frustrated or wanting more, especially when it's not anyone else's job to make me feel better.
now more queer!
9 years ago
sorry, this all doesn't help.
9 years ago
no, it's okay. <3 i asked, and you answered the question i asked!
9 years ago
and it's...i mean, it's not people's job per se, but that doesn't mean people don't want you to feel better. i like you! that means i want good things for you, and to help make them happen if i can.
9 years ago
and the same, i bet, goes for everyone else who might be reading this plurk, and other people as well.
now more queer!
9 years ago
just in case it wasn't clear before, I really hate being off my meds.
9 years ago
i'm so sorry.
9 years ago
do you have any idea when it's going to be possible to get them back?
now more queer!
9 years ago
earliest is Friday, but not sure honestly.
9 years ago
yikes. here's hoping for friday, then.
now more queer!
9 years ago
You and me both. And thank you for the support.
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