If not Jon, which 2 other Darkstalkers would you play? (Not really an AU question but brain fried.) Also, what other Pokemon would Sonny be ?
Sonny as another Pokémon is actually something I've thought on - best case scenario? He's an Ursaring. Kind of bear like, normal type, not too far removed from what he is, really.
Worst case? Tyranitar. Because oops. He just ate ALL THE MOUNTAINS
AU where I play a character from each one of your characters' fandoms.
And he's from Darkstalkers.
You are already playing a Pokémon! But if you weren't playing Jock... uh... Bruno! From the Elite Four!
I actually made a Bruno folder for possible RP but then never did it.
I think it was actually for a Black Shadow-pretending-to-be-Bruno RP.
He's not the most bright, but he's a caring soul
Okay so we have two bara dads.
Tommy from The Last of Us! He's not boxish, but is still pretty manly and one of the few characters in this game which isn't an irredeemable psychopath.

(Boom Knuckles.) Not just because he's your spirit animal, but because he actually does some hilariously left field stuff that reminds me of your Apple Kid.
I'm allowed to have at least one non-box
PLUS it would be fun to play super problematic Brothers with you. Except that you could never canon review.
this is not entirely an AU but at one point vianca was going to ask knuckles if maybe all the pigmin in olimar's backyard could get moved to his fancy island
they coulda partied with gerudos
And you play as regular Knuckles, I'll play as Boom Knuckles
Entire game implodes in on itself.
bisasam: Knuckles would totally have done that, too - Pikmin Garden in the Chao Garden because it's the safest place on the whole Island
Chris that would be the most fun thing
SHE WAS SO READY TO DO IT and then. things happened.
He would have actually been kind of touched she'd ask him for something considering he tried so hard to be a good friend and she never really asked him for anything ever XD
the one dude left she super trusted
Secretly she moved to Skyrim to hang with Knuckles and Goombella and be a Librarian
In winterhold's mages college
its in the SNOW its got MAGIC there are SO MANY BOOKS