now more queer!
9 years ago
[freaking out about life; anxiety attacks, school, moving, money, fuck everything]
latest #7
now more queer!
9 years ago
I still am not done with moving because the person helping me with my mattress can't come until 4 (I hope), and I had another anxiety attack this afternoon.
now more queer!
9 years ago
Mostly because it's Tuesday and I've got a three finals between now and Friday (when my final research paper is due, which has only 2 pages written AND several steps on the paper needed to be done)
now more queer!
9 years ago
My prof said he needed everything in on Friday at the latest, grades have to be in by the 14th, and even if I had until Monday, I'm freaking out like everything fucking day now.
now more queer!
9 years ago
I don't know if he'll be okay with me taking an incomplete then finishing the paper over break but even then, I need the library books for it-- and they're overdue and I can't register for my classes for spring
now more queer!
9 years ago
because of that AND I still have a couple hundred dollars worth of tuition to get paid. and Tesla is still sneezy and not well, even though she's better now. I don't know what the fuck to do.
now more queer!
9 years ago
right now I'm just trying not to meltdown again and cry before the really awesome person from my old apartment complex helps me move my mattress because fuck, I can't let all this shit out right now.
9 years ago
ryannnnn :< I AM SORRY THINGS ARE SO ROUGH. /hugs and solidarity fistbumps
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