9 years ago
So Fallout 4 is SUPER FUN you guys.
latest #15
9 years ago
Very, very light spoilers ahead!
9 years ago
Building things in settlements is crazy fun. If anyone was worried about it being awkward and weird like Skyrim's Hearthome add on, don't fret - it's a way simpler drop and drag system with material collection.
tsuchinoko real
9 years ago
tsuchinoko real
9 years ago
tbh I am most excited to see how they implemented stuff from skyrim
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
SPOILERS: My favorite part is where you have to fight the endboss, and he throws the number '4' at you, and then he reveals his true form, and it's a very large number '4.'
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
and then he says, "Don't fall... out of your place with surprise!" in a very arch manner.
9 years ago
Groove - You can pick up dead things what you've killed and chucked them around. Best Skyrim carryover.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
It really made me feel a connection to the series.
9 years ago
Chris that is terrible.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
But it's my favorite part, Jams.
9 years ago
Oh my glob
9 years ago
Anyway I played it for like 12 hours today.
9 years ago
Protip: Collect any circuitry you can find. It is a pain to ignore it when it drops then need it later to built turrets.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Protip: Remember to collect 'minus' signs for the boss fight.
9 years ago
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