Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
Man, discussing the politics of sociopolitical oppression sometimes turns into sociopolitical oppression far too rapidly.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
TIL that I'm the scary cisgendered white male oppressor. Not the cisgendered white male who doesn't always think before he speaks and fucks up sometimes: I am apparently actively trying to screw folks over.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
(protip: telling someone 'you are the oppressor of everything I stand for' (paraphrased) does not engage that person in trying to correct the behavior you found offensive, but makes them want to walk away.)
Alyshea says
8 years ago
uhhhh, how did someone come with that assessment about you?
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
I'm inclined to assume that it was their own assumptions rather than anything I actually did.