Nath Pevensey says
8 years ago
Dear Wayward Events:
Apparently, it is too much to ask for you to put an SLURL for one of your events anywhere on your many-page website?
latest #19
8 years ago
I hate that. That happens so often.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
Thank you both hyasynth and PacoPooley! And yeah, it's frustrating as heck when you run all over a website and can't find the one bit of data you actually need from it, Vaki.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
Oh lordy. Good that it's there- a pity that it is apparently well-camouflaged. :-(
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
I see how I missed it- without the underline that every other link on the page has, I assumed it was just a suggestion rather than a URL.
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
SLURLs that look like every other link you're using ftw, too. :-)
8 years ago
So many event website DO NOT include an surl. And also, the event start and close dates
8 years ago
Glad this one did. Sometimes people don't know were to look for the link. I think the About page should include the link and event dates, but rarely it does
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
I just feel like a dope now for not mousing over the 'come visit' text and realizing it was an SLURL. Deeeeeeerp.
8 years ago
Wayward Events says
8 years ago
nathpev: I never saw this because I wasn't tagged, but yes it has been on the website since opening as well as all our social media pages. Thank you!
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
indeed! I was not looking hard at all. Other folks told me where to find it, which was all that I needed to know. I hope things are going good with the event!;
Wayward Events says
8 years ago
nathpev: Yes they are! I did notice that in edit it was underlined, so I think that's why I thought it was. I fixed it to be underlined and changed it to say "Come Visit Us in Second Life". Sorry about that!
Nath Pevensey
8 years ago
it's 100% cool: I wasn't digging enough. I'm just glad I whined a bit and got set straight!
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