Nath Pevensey says
8 years ago
I'm starting to feel like Plurk has gotten far too negative for my tastes. :-( Prove me wrong, please!
latest #8
8 years ago
8 years ago
Hmm I have not been seeing anything nasty on mine.
Allegory says
8 years ago
it really depends on who you pay attention to. and sometimes there are pockets of angst over particular things that hit wider.
look daylight
8 years ago
doo doo doo banana phone
8 years ago
I have a very positive timeline. The most I get is vagueplurking about drama on their timelines that isn't on mine. Easily ignorable.
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
I have a wonderful weekend with my parents i unfortunately see way too less and i am jolly
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