9 years ago
So. When Chris visited he had these 400 calorie protein bars that he would eat.
latest #34
9 years ago
I found them at walmart for like $2 so I got 3 of them and ate them today for lunch.
9 years ago
Public Safety Notice: Poor life choice. My stomach Oh God my stomach.
9 years ago
The End.
shadow mod
9 years ago
Don't do what Chris does
shadow mod
9 years ago
It will onyl end in pain and shame
Poinsettia 🌺
9 years ago
Jim we hardly knew he
9 years ago
To be entirely fair, he didn't eat them three at a time. He ate like... one a day, if that.
9 years ago
I was just really hungry.
9 years ago
And was like 'lol this should be fine.'
9 years ago
But it wasn't fine at all.
Fox Flower
9 years ago
lol you shulda known better XD /pat pat
9 years ago
9 years ago
UH I MEAN...poor Jim
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
You ate three of them.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Jams each bar says "meal replacement bar" as in One Bar = Sort Of One Meal.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Jams you ate 1,200 calories of protein bars for one single meal.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Jams you ate 90 grams of protein in one sitting.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Jams those protein bars say on the package 'drink with at least 8 oz of water'
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
You would have had to have drank 24 ounces of water to go alongside those protein bars.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Jim, it's taken me two years to get to the point where my body can ingest 180-220 grams of protein in a day.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
What... flavor did you eat?
9 years ago
LOL Aristocats XD
9 years ago
I got one of the apple pie ones (Those are so good.) and two of the chocolate caramel guys because that's pretty much all they had left.
9 years ago
Plus side? Now that my stomach isn't sore I'm still not hungry so I can just kind of snack for dinner.
9 years ago
Which leaves more time for video games.
9 years ago
(And signing AC)
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
At least the apple pie is acceptable.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
Still. Jams.
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
If you want to become a bara dad, I'll help you. But you're going to have to do a lot of lifting to earn that many Met-RX bars.
9 years ago
I just want to eat like a bara dad!
Dr. BeardoPuff
9 years ago
You have to do all three.
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