9 years ago
I don't get it. Why apply to blog for someone, then only do a couple posts for that designer, then just..not. And not say anything for a year and a half? boots a bunch of bloggers
latest #7
9 years ago
I swear I wont be insulted if you want out/if what I am currently doing doesnt fit your style...I get that, cause hey, I used to blog as well.
9 years ago
And I don't have a "You must post 5 of my things every month or else!" rule. I just want my bloggers to have fun with it..guess I have to start making some kinda rules now (unsure)
9 years ago
Maybe 5 things a year?
9 years ago
Something like that I guess. I'm just disappointed, some of these really wanted to blog for me so badly..and then just..nothing
9 years ago
ya, that is poopy
Ye Olde Willis
8 years ago
eepp I just saw this, I think I am one of those. I can only apologise, I suck!! I went through a whole phase of declining stuff on my phone and then forgetting and ugh. SORRY! :-(
Ye Olde Willis
8 years ago
that and SL just kept on and still keeps on eating my shit, but I shall buy! I just wanted to say sorry for being one of those losers lol
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