9 years ago
so uh... someone set bombs in a couple of law firms in the city here. One exploded. In the building right next door to our apartment. That was my day.
latest #13
9 years ago
sirens, choppers circling, hazmat suits, the whole street was blocked off. There was police tape on our front door, so no exit or entry.
IronyMaiden says
9 years ago
everything okay at your place?
Rowan McSneezy
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
That picture gives an idea of how swarmed our street was. The grey building in the foreground is the law firm. The big brown building immediately behind it is ours.
Hawtwyre says
9 years ago
PrincessArtemis says
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
they arrested the guy on Monday. He sent bombs to no fewer than four locations. Apparently the guy was going through a divorce and sent explosives to his ex-wife as well as any lawyers involved in the case.
IronyMaiden says
9 years ago
that was easy to track down. Hasn't he watched any real-crime shows? he should have mailed things to other offices not involved to throw them off the scent!
IronyMaiden says
9 years ago
and also, clearly the woman should have filed for divorce long before now, if not avoided him in the first place.
Hawtwyre says
9 years ago
What a dumbass.
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