9 years ago
[Log Horizon] Just started last night! Great show, loving some of the concepts they're tackling in it about game world come to life.
latest #19
9 years ago
Also I am DEFINITELY playing Nyanta at a LARP sometime.
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
I'm going to be working on writing some of the sheets for it this weekend, and am playing Minori at Nekocon this year
9 years ago
Oh, nice! ^_^
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
you probably haven't seen much of her yet, but she's pretty awesome
9 years ago
Yeah, I only just got to her. I heard awesome things are about to happen, like Shiroe laying down the law.
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
he does it in the most roundabout and amazing way possible
9 years ago
:-D So psyched!
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
I desperately want to see Jason F play him
9 years ago
I will TOTALLY play Nyanta to Jason's Shiroe some year. :3
Pyromaniac GM
9 years ago
I want to play Naotsugu so bad
Mister Cyborg
9 years ago
I forget who Feldman suggested I should play.
Tonberry King
9 years ago
Naotsugu is on my list
9 years ago
I am about twenty episodes and I'm loving every one of them :-D
9 years ago
Serara is going on my to-play list if she gets any more character development time
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
Season 2
Skippa Skippa
9 years ago
I've heard the babbies group gets a lot more development
Tonberry King
9 years ago
there's a season 2 character I love the concept of but I dunno if I could pull her off
Pyromaniac GM
9 years ago
They do a chunk with the babbies. Her development is basically the same though.
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