Scarlet ✪
9 years ago
Shopping for coats for England, I live in Miami so I currently own maybe 2 hoodies? lol Prob. not enough for winter in England <.<
latest #16
Marnix says
9 years ago
er no
Nath Pevensey
9 years ago
They have snow there.
Snow is what happens when it gets cold enough for ice to happen outside.
However, when are you going?
9 years ago
Snow isn't super common, it's not like New England or anything usually, but it is typically grey, overcast, windy and pissing it down with rain. Buy a water and windproof coat if you can find one
9 years ago
Or get one here, we probably do better ones than you'll get in Miami anyway! Though... Miami to Northern England. Wow, the things we do for love
Scarlet ✪ says
9 years ago
lol yea I'm moving there, it's quite the contrast/change. I'll likely get one while I'm there too. I'm going to be heading over at the end of June!
Scarlet ✪ says
9 years ago
I visited last year in January and I swear I felt like I was going to die lol I've been in Miami most of my life except when I lived in Egypt for a few years studying abroad - but both Egypt and Miami are warm!
Scarlet ✪ says
9 years ago
Egypt gets a bit cold in the winter but it's not as 'intense' IMHO. lol
9 years ago
I've been told Egypt gets horrifically cold at night, but yeah, you will need warm weather clothes here. Jumpers (pullovers? Cardigans? Whatever you people call them), trousers/long skirts/leggins/tights etc.
9 years ago
It's super warm today, but nothing near Miami and projected only to last this week. Then it will go back to the usual spring grey with occasional rain.
Scarlet ✪ says
9 years ago
I guess it's time to order pullovers/Jumpers and cardigans online. On the bright side atleast I won't need too many bags since 98% of my closet is summer clothes.
Scarlet ✪ says
9 years ago
Don't think I will need that much summer clothes lol Maybe just a few but...not as much.
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