9 years ago
Any successful ways people integrate tech with social studies focus (K-6). I have a former colleague interviewing for a position and she would love some ideas to share during her upcoming interview.
latest #6
9 years ago
Web quests are a good place to start; also research projects that can be as scaffolded as necessary. All sorts of ways the kids can present their info digitally, Just a few examples might be...
9 years ago
Creating simple weebly pages, using a Voki character to share learning, PowToon, greenscreen videos that put the children in the setting they're studying,..the possibilities are endless.
9 years ago
My materials are probably outdated, but I still have the books somewhere from my tech integration master's. I'll dig them out if you want to borrow anything.
9 years ago
Heck, I'll give the stuff away. Need to downsize.
9 years ago
So my former teaching partner moved to Kentuck of all places (access to medical stuff for her young kids and hub got a job there). Do you have titles of resources that you deem worthy?
9 years ago
She just called and I mentioned some of the ideas you shared above. She is appreciative! I will send her titles, etc. later just in case she needs resources if she gets the job. I guess Spokane is hiring!
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